
This was a fun prerelease, and this deck got me to 2-0-1 (two wins, one draw). It's mostly Rakdos with a blue splash, primarily for Cryptic Coat. The Rakdos archetype is supposed to be focused on the Suspect mechanic, but I didn't have much of that, so it's more of a "decent creatures and removal" deck, which worked pretty well. I used a lot of disguise creatures, which were nice in large part because you always had the option to play them for pretty cheap.

A few observations from playing it:

  • Massacre Girl, Known Killer is very good! There's a lot going for this card, from the wither to the card draw to just being 4/4 menace for four mana.
  • I only ever used Escape Tunnel to search for land, but it's very convenient to have this at common.
  • The creatures with hybrid disguise costs add a lot of flexibility. Dog Walker and Riftburst Hellion both made a difference, and I'm glad I could include them without really worrying about white or green mana sources.
  • I don't normally play many combat tricks, but The Chase is On definitely turned some encounters around. First strike helps a lot.

I didn't end up using anything from the sideboard, but I included a few cards I might have considered in the listing here.


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Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year
Exclude colors WG
Splash colors U

This deck is Pre-release legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

3 - 0 Rares

5 - 5 Uncommons

17 - 9 Commons

Cards 40
Avg. CMC 3.26
Tokens A Mysterious Creature, Clue, Detective 2/2 WU, Dog 1/1 W, Skeleton 2/1 B, Thopter 1/1 C
Folders My Limited Decks
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