Defensive, long gameplan, fiddly midrange.
Warning, this is NOT a short description:
Plays like a complex midrange deck basically.
I actually have no idea if this is competitive or not, but I feel it ought to be.
Lot of nice defensive ramp with the walls and the deathrite shamans giving me a decent early game against most decks, after which point I have finks and I have souls hopefully.
After that, We get to the real meat of the deck, a playset of 4 chords of calling. These work with a set of 'silver bullet' creatures in my deck to act as tricks anf give me some incredible midrange diversity. Key interactions are:
wall of roots and lingering souls: work beautifully with the convoke.
Eternal witness: massive value combined with the SB sun titan, can bring back used chords, potential to count as extra lightning bolts at instant speed or retrieve used wincons, also has synergy with resto, speaking of:
Resto angel: already has flash, but if I don't have one in hand, can chord one in, it's a decent threat on its own, and can reset walls and finks and basically get free 2 for 1's with witness.
Dauntless escort/blood artist: Basically two versions of the same idea, they can turn open mana and what looks like good attacks in to disasters for an opponent.
Silverheart: pretty insane as a combat trick, and then I have 12 extra power on the board for the backswing.
Mycoloth: finisher, block a bunch of guys, flash in, sac the blockers, make approximately 1 million tokens on my own upkeep, also good against spot removal.
mindcensor, teeg, pridemage, canonist, tusk and shusher are fairly self explanatory silver bullets, sun titan deserves a mention though. basically, I wanted some form of recursion against the slower control decks, 6 mana ceases to be an issue in such games, and he can be chorded in after a wrath and combo with escort or witness, works pretty well.
Questions I have been asked:
The swords are for?
They give me a way to close out games, synergise with lingering souls, and look nice against the control decks (U/W revelation is by far my worst matchup, as surprising as it may sound, that and tron). Mortarpod looks a little strange, but it works fantastically with souls, blood artist, and finks.
Y U no goyf?
Well, it aint because I'm budgeting, that's for sure. Tarmy is a very, very good two drop, no question, but it also does nothing interesting in this deck, end of the day I'd rather just drop a wall of roots than play a non-trampling ground beater, maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't think I'm aggressive enough
Why not Birthing Pod?: its a reasonable question, after all this deck uses some similar interactions, basically, I wanted to make a deck that did powerful things without being bound to 1 card and without being vulnerable to hate, birthing pod, as incredible an engine as it may be, forces the deck in quite a specific direction and actually has a number of cards that still shut it down.