Played this deck at my LGS Monday Night Modern tournament and went 1-2. There were only a few people so we only did 3 rounds.
Match #1:Played against a Maze's End / Guildgate win condition deck. It usually works quite well but my opponent's deck wasn't fast enough. Game two I sided out the War Drivers for a Magus and 3 Blood Moons and it was all over.
Match #2:Played Affinity and lost only by a turn or so to onboard Arcbound Ravager tricks. Sideboarded 3x Blood Moons and 2x Faithless Lootings when I should have sided in the Instigators + Siege Gang, or 2x Flame Slash and something else. Game 3 was close and I sided the Flame Slashes in for the Lootings. I'm pretty sure the War Drivers went back in and the Blood Moon's came out.
Match #3:Played against as Reviellark + Melira + Anything with Persist combo deck. Almost had game one finished before he cast a a Finks and slowed me down long enough to get his infinite damage combo off. Game two I thought I sided in the Flame Slashes and the Blood Moons for some War Drivers but totally didn't and just brought in 5 extra cards to my deck with 20 lands. Needless to say it wasn't great. I thought I would end up stabilizing by wiping his combo pieces with a Krenko and a few goblin grenades but I just didn't get there.
Could have done a lot better if I had been paying attention to what I was sideboarding.
My sideboard needs some work along with a little C&C.
I realized that the 2x Faithless Looting in the sideboard are definitely coming out. I love the 2 that are maindeck because when I was playing just 2 any time I got one it worked perfectly. I would drop a land and lose a small guy for a Marshal, Krenko, or Guide. Loved the hand upgrade power!