pie chart

Momir Binder



1-drop (40)

4-drop (40)

7-drop (40)

2-drop (40)

5-drop (40)

8-drop (40)

3-drop (40)

6-drop (40)

9-or-more-drop (40)

Momir Basic in real life, except you don't have to lug around giant boxes of cards. Instead, get a 3x3 binder (this specific "cube" is stored in a Ultimate Guard zipfolio) and 40 of each n-drop, where n ranges from 1 to 9. Activating the Momir vanguard can be simulated by rolling a d20 for page # and flipping a coin for front/back. Note that the Vanguard provides +4 to starting life.

The binder is curated for interesting/fun gameplay. CURRENTLY BEING TESTED. Trying to allow for an aggro gameplan to incentivize people to try out the low drops sometimes.

Update: due to the lack of good 9-drops, the 9-drop slot is the bomb slot. CMC is irrelevant; all it has to do is win you the game 75+% of the time or something like that.


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