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Mono Black Aggressors

Casual Aggro Mono-Black




Creature (1)

My main current standard FNM deck that I believe will work in my local as most the meta is control decks.

Will play this weekly and tweek deck as I work out what done well or not.

Any help will be very appreciated!


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Tonight I went 2-2 with the deck but the games I lost were very close to going the other way.

Match 1 was 1-2 against Bant Control running counter spells, wrath's plus Kiora and Elspeth Planeswalkers. The first game I lost due to keeping a one land hand with 4 one drops spells in it but I did not see another land for 9 turns. It has taught me not to keep one land hands unless all the 6 other spells are one drop creatures. Game 2 I one fairly quickly drawing removal for his Planeswalkers to keep them from taking over the game. The third game I lost as sided in Erebos, Fate Unraveler and Xathrid Necromancer. This ended up feeling the wrong choice as he sided in some creatures, so maybe I should have added ultimate price instead of Xathrid Necromancer. This game was close and it came down to him beating me by one point.

Match 2 i won 2-0 against GW Tokens and both games were won within 6 turns due the opponent being mana starved in both games. Afterwards we played an additional 3 games for fun which I won all 3 in quick succession.

Match 3 I won 2-1 against Mono Black Devotion running Whip of Erebos. The first game was lost due to the life gain from the whip. The second and third matches I brought in Dark Betrayals, Fate Unraveler and Erebos, God of the Dead.Then removing Lifebane Zombie and Mogis's Marauder as intimidate is useless against black. Both matches were hard fought but the sideboarded cards seem to give me the edge.

Match 4 I lost 0-2 against GR monsters being piloted by one of our best local players. I found it difficult to punch past the Polukranos, World Eater and Courser of Kruphix. With hindsight I think maybe I should have sided in the 4 Gift of Orzhova's.

Tonight I felt that the least effective card was Pain Seer, so I'm for now moving them out of the deck and replacing with 1 Erebos, God of the Dead and 2 Ultimate Price from the sideboard. Also I'm moving the 2 Lifebane Zombie's into the sideboard and adding 3 Cryptborn Horror, two to the main and one to the sideboard.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

12 - 8 Rares

28 - 3 Uncommons

4 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.12
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
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