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Mono Blue Control Swag

Standard Mono-Blue



Nothing but blue spells!

its definitely hard playing with only one color, not having access to to actual flat out removal in blue.

but..... the flip side is that we can fully utilize 4 radiant fountains , nullify in the creature heavy format and having the deck be much more budget and cheaper than Esper, U/B, U/W control.

Main deck:

Cripping chills really holds down the field, this is basically the hero's downfall. Keeping down a big creature as they go into combat buys you alot of time. The card draw from it is awesome so you can find an actual answer, and fuel your graveyard for delve. A great set up for Perilous Vault for max value xD

Since we dont have actual real removal in blue, we have to run bounce and alot of counter spells. voyages end is a mini crippling chill basically. Running full set of dissolve and nullify makes sure their big dudes dont do down. tech 1 stroke and 1 negate mainboard in hope they catch some stuff too.

perilous vault and aetherspouts can get alot of value, and help get rid of threats slowing them down when paired with crippling chill, picking things off with voyages end, crippling chill, and jace is also fun when they try to play around aetherspouts/vault!!!

The draw package is self explanatory. I dont feel like any more is needed with all the scry and cantrips built in other spells in the deck.

Jace the living guildpact helps dig through your deck, and fuels your yard. the -3 ability is nice when u have the game locked down and your opponent is top decking since u can just bounce their threats . helps to fight acendency and other planeswalkers which is cool.

The winners are a split of Peal lake and Sphinx. The pearl lakes are big finishers that totally benefit from using 4 radiant fountains for sweet life gain and crippling chill and voyages end to trigger prowless for deadly swings.

Sphinx is sooo needed as early game defence. and a way to get good draws since we always need to have an answer in hand.


since we are kinda restricted we run Omenspeaker and whelming wave for tokens and really fast agressive decks. being able to hold down board and slow them down. providing early blockers and scry, and a turn 4 mini reset button.

more negates and distainful strokes for more specif decks. stroke for big creatures and planes walkers. negates for burn, tokens, combo pieces, other counterspells, planeswalkers.

The dissipate, extra sphinx, and extra jaces inginuity, are for other control decks. though sphinx can come in to fight the aggro decks.

Sideboard Guide (Help with this plox???):

**Against Tokens***

+2 Whelming Wave, +4 Omenspeaker, +3 negate, +1 Dissipate, +1 Sphinx-1 Pearl Lake, -1 ingenuity, -1 Jace, living guildpact,-2 voyages end, -3 crippling chill, -3 nullify

Whelming wave and omenspeakers to buy time and slow them down plus they are a cute combo together. Sphinx and extra specific counterspells help fight them. Pearlake is taken out or sphinx becasue it is slower, ingenuity is taken out because slow, jace because less needed and less time to use +1 ability. voyages end, crippling chill and nullify are just less good.

*Against Big Devotion decks/ Monsters**

-2 voyages end, -1 negate, -1 Aetherspouts

+3 Distainful strokes, +1 Dissipate

less early game stuff, and stuff to deal with lots of dudes and the unrelevant negate. and put in the specific counter spells to hate on the big dudes they are throwing out

*** agaisnt control**

super awkward matchup.

-2 Aetherspouts, - 4 crippling chill, - 3 voyages end , -4 nullify

+ingenuity, + sphinx,+3 stroke, +3 negate,+4 omenspeakers, +1 dissipate.

we have alot of creature specific hate which is garbage. we replace them with more counterspells, draw, and the 4th sphinx to hopefully win us the game. We even awkwardly put in the omenspeakers as they do scry and provide a small clock for us lol.

*Agasint midrange**

+2 distainful, +1 dissipate

-2 voyages end, -1 aetherspouts

this match up is already good. being able to counter their threats. hold things down with crippling chill and jace. and sweep with perilous vault. Maybe put in extra negates with they are draw and planeswalker heavy?.

** aggro decks **

-2 jace, -2 ingenuity,-2 perilous vault, -1 distainful,-1 pearl lake

+4 omenspeaker,+2 whelming wave , +1 dissipate, +1 sphinx

mostly self explanitory? vaults, jace, inginuity, and pearl lake are too slow. in with dissipate and sphinx to fight. plus the cute omenspeaker + whelming wave combo to slow them down.

***jeskai burn/combo*

-2 voyages end, -2 crippling, - 2 aetherspouts , - 1 perilous

+1 dissipate, +3 negate, + 1 sphinx, +2 distainful

less creature stuff more deal with their spells that combo and burn. and sphix for extra kill them perilous vault and jace is still decent against dealing with jeskai asendency.

**whip decks**

I have no idea helppp!!!!!


I have no idea helpppp!!!!!

Thanks for reading! I really like this deck! Thats why it was so lengthy xD. Been playing magic for 3 months now, but i have a competative card game background already. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 3 Rares

3 - 5 Uncommons

21 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.91
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