Finished in 2nd place at 4-1 on the night.
Deck performed very well with few mulligans and some explosive openings. Ainok Guide was the clutch card, coming in with his forest fetching ability to save me when I couldn't find that fourth land for Collected Company, or that fifth land to bestow a Boon Satyr. I really like have access to him in a 21 land aggro deck.
Round 1: 2-1 vs. Abzan Megamorph -- Opponent wins die roll.
Game 1 the aggro plan was just too fast for him.
Game 2 Den Protector returning Deathmist Raptors got annoying, and got him the game 2 win.
Game 3 was a race. Taplands don't race well. He got buried.
Round 2: 0-2 vs. Mono-Red -- Opponent wins die roll.
Game 1 I got annihilated. Couldn't create big enough creatures to make profitable trades.
Game 2 I wanted Hornet Nest but I was borrowing them and my friend needed them that night. I could have stabilized game 2 but was stuck on three lands with two Collected Company in hand. Never found the fourth.
Round 3: 2-0 vs. R/G Devotion -- Opponent wins die roll.
Game 1 was over in six turns. Elvish Mystic and Courser of Kurphix don't stand up to huge tramplers. It helped that my opponent didn't read Tuskguard Captain and tried to chump block a 7/7 Servant of the Scale with an Elvsh Mystic.
Game 2 I brought in Bow of Nylea and forced him to lose a 10/10 Genesis Hydra and an 8/8 polukranos to an Ainok Guide and Avatar of the Resolute. With a near empty board on my side, and him going nuts with Whisperwood Elemental I used a second Ainok Guide to fetch a forest, and next turn bestow a Boon Satyr on my unblocked 1/1 Satyr Grovedancer for fatal.
Round 4: 2-1 vs. R/G Deovotion
Game 1 played very similarly to Round 3. I stole game 1 on speed.
Game 2 he clogged the board with Whisperwood Elemental and I couldn't get through.
Game 3 he died because a field of Elvish Mystic and Rattleclaw Mystic die to trample pretty easily.
Round 5: 2-1 vs. Atarka Red
Game 1 was a close game but double Monastery Swiftspear backed by multiple burn spells kept my board state clear so Reverent Hunter was very underwhelming.
Game 2 was a blow out. A smooth curve of Elvish Mystic into Tuskguard Captain then Collected Company filled the field with big butt blockers.
Game 3 had a lot of early trading, then stalled out. Opponent tapped out and my Feed the Clan with a ferocious trigger put the game out of range. After that he was out of cards and it was just a matter of applying pressure.