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Morphin Time! R/G Tribal Werwolves

Modern Aggro FNM RG (Gruul) Theme/Gimmick Werewolf



Morphin Time!

Please comment your suggestions and criticisms. I am very dedicated to improving this deck as much as I can.

Modern Tribal Werewolves Deck Focus:Hyper Aggro w/some control elements including MoonmistVines of Vastwood note: these cards obviously have aggro potential as well and are paramount in claiming an early victory but can also be used to preserve a vital creature or to pseudo wipe your opponents board by mass blocking and using Moonmist to prevent enemy creature damage.

Victory Conditions:Early-Mid Game

  1. Kruin Outlaw  +Morph+Ghor-Clan RampagerBloodrushed+Vines of Vastwood Simply just massive double strike trample damage w/ hexproof and possible +4/+4 for early Lethal
  2. Mayor of Avabruck  +various creatures+tokens for massive face damage
  3. Rot Wolf+Ghor-Clan Rampager+Vines of Vastwood w/kicker Same idea as Kruin Outlaw   but not requiring morph and gives no crap about life total. Note:this can also be used as a substantial form of card draw. I.E you know you wont get all the infect counters for a quick k.o but your opponent doesn't want you to game them so maybe they block with several creatures to prevent your win. Buffing the Rot Wolf with a Bloodrushed__Ghor-Clan Rampager Can definatley net you some serious card draw as an alternative.
  4. Huntmaster of the Fells   Honestly this card alone when played on curve can win the game if not dealt with promptly. Protecting it to possible removal via Vines of Vastwood can secure a win especially if he keeps flipping back and forth! Even more so if you have a Howlpack Alpha on the board.
  5. Honestly, just being aggro as heck can easily overwhelm your opponent. With 2 nasty haste werewolves,Lightning Bolt,and Vines of Vastwood you can play fairly offensive while having your opponent wasting their early removal

The Importance of Æther Vial

Aether Vial is a staple in almost every low curve tribal deck due to its efficiency in creating massive amount of board pressure. When considering Werewolves we must consider that using Aether Vial to drop a creature is not casting a spell and will not cause your werewolves to flip back. A lot of my success with this deck especially versus / control was to create a pressuring scenario that would force the opponent to expend their resources at an accelerated rate. If I am able to keep dropping a creature and playing at least 1 spell per turn w/o worrying about my werewolves becoming humans at the end of the turn I can rest more comfortably. This doesn't always work and is pretty niche. However I wanted to point it out. Typically I will add 3-4 counters to my Aether Vial depending on whats in my hand (though typically unless I get a second I will keep it locked at 3 due to the major win condition creatures are 3cmc)

Playing the deck Understanding how to use your spells to maximize win rate

  1. Vines of Vastwood Whether used in tandem with card:Ghor-Clan Rampger or alone this card has massive potential to secure you lethal on your next turn if used at the right time. Typically I like to use the stack to my advantage when playing with this card. Using Ghor-Clan Rampager 's bloodrush effect first to bait a removal spell then responding with Vines of Vastwood with or without the kicker can grantee lethal if the opponent doesn't have a counter to your counter. In some games i've expended two vines just to secure the win
  2. Ghor-Clan Rampager THis card is so easy to play with and doesnt require too much thought. It goes best on Terror of Kruin Pass or card:Rotwolf However in all honestly and blocked creature works pretty well too. The only niche with this card is making sure you dont just flop it down before blockers are assigned unless you are trying to bait your opponent.
  3. Moonmist This card, so many ways to use it... creature extra wolf tokens w/ Howlpack Alpha+ Huntmaster of the Fells  , preventing a ton of combat damage versus other aggro decks, using it to pseudo wipe the field during the blockers phase, or just flipping a serious amount of werewolves into lethal damage.
  4. Signal the Clans THis card has a random nature but I love that 2 CMC and that it is instant. I almost never play this spell on my turn unless I am desperate. I.E fishing for a Ghor-Clan Rampager for lethal or to get a key card on curve like Huntmaster of the Fells  . Knowing how to use this card is paramount. I almost never go for a 1 drop or something that isnt a strong victory condition. Typcially I tutor for Kruin Outlaw   Huntmaster of the Fells   Ghor-Clan Rampager however in some cases Geier Reach Bandit  . Typically just landing one of these cards on curve or when youve become creature starved can easily secure victory by 4-5th turn.

Possible Edits and Maybe board/Sideboard

  1. Rot Wolf: Kinda gimmicky: though it has served me well in the past. I may just rotate this card out of the deck entirely in favot of cards like Immerwolf or card:Insitgator Gand
  2. Blasphemous Act Not really the best fit here I just have an obsession for having a wrath effect. In the past I would also sideboard Full Moon's Rise for the regeneration synergy. It helped alot with the current token meta that was circling around. Granted Ratchet Bomb would have worked in that scenario as well but before the rules change it would also nuke all my werewolves and their cmc was considered
  3. Birds of Paradise I mainboarded this card in the past mainly due to not having the correct lands... However I will state that vs a 1/1 haste creature its a good second and I am considering making room for it if not only for the early ramp. Though I think at where the deck is now that would be a hard sell
  4. Domri Rade With the high creature count in this deck I am considering mainboarding this guy instead of Arlinn Kord   . Arlinn is awesome! however it can be awkard playing on curve vs a Huntmaster of the Fells   . Need some insight here!
  5. Daybreak Ranger   Too solid not to sideboard this card for early tempo removal. I really am not knowledgeable in the current modern meta but this card has served me well in the past. Thoughts?

Explaining Card Choices

  1. Not running 8-12 drop creatures. I have done this in the past but to me with the cards printed in shadows over Innistrad it seems rather lack luster. The one drops in question would be Reckless Waif  (inferior to Village Messenger   in my opinion0 and Wolfbitten Captive  ( THis card to me is just too much dedication... I would prefer using the mana to tutor or buff a creature for possible lethal)
  2. Vines of Vastwood THis card is just OP, I honestly couldnt see myself not running this card especially vs the dreaded Path of Exile. Hands down of all the combos in the deck this card has secured victory countless times. Hexproff for with a +4/+4 kicker is just nutty.
  3. Ghor-Clan Rampager Easily the easier and safest way to beef a creature to get some serious damage out, its not a spell so doesnt count against currently morphed werewolves nor can it be countered directly. Most players in a tournament scenario never see this card coming.


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90% Competitive

Revision 4 See all

(2 years ago)

+2 Forest main
+1 Ghor-Clan Rampager main
-2 Howlpack Resurgence main
-1 Mountain main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #45 position overall 4 years ago
  • Achieved #2 position in Modern 4 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern Aggro 4 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern Theme/Gimmick 4 years ago
Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 8 Rares

16 - 7 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.34
Tokens Day, Human 2/2 G, Night, Wolf 2/2 G
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