pie chart

MTG Brawl Playable Cards

Standard Brawl*


U (81)

ART (28)

Land (14)

U/R (12)

U/G (11)

W/U (10)

W/R (9)

W/R/G (2)

U/B/G (1)

W (80)

G (57)

W/G (11)

B/G (9)

R/G (8)

B/R/G (1)

W/U/B/R/G (1)

B (75)

R (66)

W/B (10)

U/B (9)

B/R (7)

This list includes cards for mainly for 1v1.

There are already some lists out there for brawl (and they are really good). There have been a couple small issues I've found with these lists: 1) they mostly focus only on multiplayer, and 2) they only list the really dominant cards.

This is meant to be a complete list of cards you may possibly play in all combinations of colors. There are some playable cards left off the list, but those are cards that are extremely archetype specific. For instance, a card that only works in a merfolk deck would be left off the list.


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