Enter the battlefield triggers are fun. Reanimating is fun too.
Por que no los dos?
(lol standard homebrews)
Black quasi-aggro for standard (or at least casual D:).
CREATURES (and why they're in there):
Shadow Alley Denizen - To be quite honest I didn't really think much of this card when Gatecrash dropped. Sure it was pretty cool in limited but there was no way in hell that I was going to put it in a constructed deck. Now though, with Theros having been released and ALL THOSE BLACK ENTER THE BATTLEFIELD CREATURES she really packs a punch! Evasion is king for this kind of deck, and with White Weenies looking to be on the up and up, black intimidate is just awesome.
Rakdos Cackler
- A must-have for any aggro deck. Beats for 2 (because why would I ever not unleash him) and doesn't afraid of anything.
Thrill-Kill Assassin
- 2 Drop 2/3 with death touch? Seems good. If, for whatever reason, I need to go on the defensive, this guy is pretty much better in all ways than other 2 CMC creatures. The chances of this guy getting blocked are pretty slim, and he pretty much just says "we'll trade, okay?" if they decide to block.
Mogis's Marauder - OH MY GOD THIS CARD IS INCREDIBLE. "I'll just enter the battlefield and do awesome things," should be the flavor text on this card with how much work it did for me in the pre-release. Most of the games I won were because I dropped him late game and gave all my creatures intimidate. The haste is a great bonus too if for whatever reason I'm playing other creatures in the same turn.
Disciple of Phenax
- Great for hand control, especially in mono black.
Gray Merchant of Asphodel - I love love LOVE this card. That ETB trigger is just godly mid to late game when the deck starts losing steam.
And the bomb:
Abhorrent Overlord - Because he says "hey I'll win you the game." The synergy this guy has with Shadow Alley Denizen is just bananas too.
ENCHANTMENTS (because Theros is Theros and enchantments are just dandy)
Whip of Erebos - uh, duh? Reanimate my dead guys, get more etb triggers, do more cool things. Lifelink is just icing on top of the cake.
Dark Prophecy - Gotta get that card advantage (probably gonna take this out, but it's nice for the devotion count it gives).
Read the Bones - I like it. Good card advantage if for whatever reason I'm not drawing into cards I need (<3 scry).
Thoughtseize - See
Disciple of Phenax
Doom Blade - DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooommmm...
Hero's Downfall - My answer to pesky creatures and/or planeswalkers.
Rescue from the Underworld
- Instant speed reanimate AND get two ETB triggers? Imagine saccing a Gray Merchant of Asphodel to reanimate another one. Oh senpai please notice me.
Dark Betrayal - Juuuust in case my opponent happens to be playing black creatures.
Ultimate Price - Removal that I can switch in just since it's cheaper than Hero's Downfall and can target black creatures too unlike Doom Blade
Slum Reaper - Not quite a Fleshbag Marauder, but it helps get rid of pesky hexproof creatures.
Burnished Hart - Land ramp and a 2/2 beater.
*not actually infinite
**not actually dead