My local store is running a block party tournament at the end of the month, so I thought I'd throw together a Scars of Mirrodin deck that won't hurt my wallet too much. For those who don't know, block party is an unsanctioned format where everyone makes a block constructed deck using any block of their choice, and play them against each other. I've never done this sort of thing before, so I don't really know what to expect.
Most of my ideas are lifted from here.
Any advice welcome, block party is a very weird format so I'm not sure what to expect.
Gold Myr and Palladium Myr have pretty obvious utility; they're mana dorks that help ramp up to the pricier cards faster. If there's a few down on the field, you can squeeze out extra mana using
Myr Galvanizer
, which is a great help.
Indomitable Archangel is the predominant protection against hate in this deck. None of the spells here target my own creatures, so I can afford to have them all shrouded without worrying.
Myr Battlesphere is the primary wincon. Tapping enough Myrs with this can end a game outright, and if not, you just need to swing again next turn. With Unwinding Clock you don't need to worry about lacking defenders, so you can happily pump Battlesphere up as much as you like.
Myr Galvanizer
is a nice lord that pumps up the creatures, but the main draw is letting you pump out that much more mana from your mana dorks. Two of these guys with some mana dorks makes for an easy infinite mana combo, which you can use to make infinite
Myr Propagator
Myr Superion is a really impressive body for two mana; one tap of a Palladium Myr can get him out, so it's hard to argue with.
Myr Turbine is a great token generator, and helps tutor out Myr Battlesphere, or parts of the infinite mana combo.
Prototype Portal lets me assemble the infinite mana combo more easily, and also lets me pump out Myr Superions every turn.
Unwinding Clock is great. It functionally gives all of your Myrs vigilance, and lets you tap your mana dorks in enemy turns, as well as using Myr Turbine in enemy turns to tutor out more Battlespheres.
Tempered Steel is great, it buffs up all the Myrs and isn't bothered in the slightest by the shrouded that Indomitable Archangel gives.
Arrest makes for some nice semi-removal, and it's probably the best answer to creatures that I have in this block..
Dispatch is a ridiculous card in this deck. You can't argue with exiling for one mana.
The sideboard choices I'm not entirely sure on; it's hard to anticipate what kind of meta you'll be dealing with in a block party tournament. Any advice is welcome.
Dispense Justice
seems like a nice answer to aggro decks. It'd be a pretty mediocre card in a typical deck, but the Metalcraft makes it worth a spot.
Norn's Annex is another answer to aggro. Most fast aggro decks don't really run a lot of land, so this card can put a quick stop to attacks. Plus, it's an artifact, so it helps with Metalcraft.
Origin Spellbomb is a nice little card that helps with card draw. I'm not totally sure on including this one, though.
Phyrexian Revoker has a pretty obvious role; crippling decks that rely on activated abilities. Being an artifact creature, it's also a pain to remove once Indomitable Archangel is on the field.
Revoke Existence
is pretty straightforward artifact/enchantment hate. Not much to say here.
Steel Hellkite synergises really well with this deck. The mana production this deck puts out means that the hellkite's ability is very relevant, and he can finish the enemy off completely if you pull off the infinite mana combo. It was a tough choice not to just mainboard this guy, but finding room for him is tricky.