The main WINCON is with Najeela, the Blade-Blossom with any of these cards. Nature's Will - Sword of Feast and Famine - Derevi, Empyrial Tactician - Druids' Repository - Phyrexian Altar . Anyone of those will give you infinit combat steps.

A key part of this deck to function is to make Najeela, the Blade-Blossom come into play turn 2. Mulligan untill you have a turn 2 commander. Or a turn 2 Mindblade Render . The reason we want her in play that fast is because we wanna start building the warrior token count ASP! Casting Mindblade Render turn two and following up with Najeela, the Blade-Blossom turn three still achieve that. In total this deck has 17 cards that can produce an opening that an warrior attacks turn three. A turn one Mana Crypt and a land gives you a turn one commander and a turn two attack.

But this deck also have a back up plan, a secret weapon! Emrakul, the Promised End !

So here comes the tricky part. The ide is to steal an opponents turn, and win with there combo ... This might be the hardest thing to pull off. You need to

-Figuer out what form of deck your opponent is playing. You can always try asking.

-Predict when they are one turn away from winning.

-Know and understand how to win with that specific deck. If you can't just make a mess or kill the player with his own spells.

The other part with Emrakul, the Promised End is that you need to be able to cast it. 13 mana! Gaea's Cradle will help out a lot. But by having a lot of different card types in your grave we can reduce the card cost for it. Therefore you can see in the deck list it's a quiet even distribution of card types. Trying to make sure that in every game we fill the grave with all card types.

Now, why Emrakul?

CONS: There are some pros and cons here defiantly. It cost 13 mana and that means no Dark Confidant . Or you could play it, if you like to live dangerously.

PROS: Counterspell dosen't stop it. Or it stop the 13/13 from coming into play. But the effect is a cast trigger. Only a Stifle will stop it properly. And that is something I like. A expensive card that they can't be counterspelled, that comes with a big body and a potential win or makes the game swing in your favor.

REMINDER: This is difficult. You need a great deal of knowledge of this game to play this card. Ask yourself. "Can you pilot every cEDH deck?"

The rest of the deck is a "WURBG" control shell, I guess. Najeela is a perfect commander for a control deck. She brings every color and has a low CMC cost. She is also a WINCON on her own. You can win games with Najeela beats. Never going infinit, just attacking - attacking and attacking.

Emrakul, the Promised End also fits in a hard core control deck. We are playing the best control card from all colors and all card typs. We are not looking for any package or special synergy.


In other words, no matter what card you draw you will always have good cards in your hand; mostly ...

Najeela, the Blade-Blossom might be the only viable competitive commander that have a kill clock on your opponents. She is defiantly the strongest commander in tearms of beats. Her kill potential and damage output is growing exponatily and gets out of hand really fast, because of that her tokens will generat other tokens. This calculation is coming from only Najeela as a none token warrior and no enemy blockers.

Attack 1: Generat 1 Token, you now have 1 token and you deal 4 Damage: 4 damage dealt total

Attack 2: Generat 2 tokens, you now have 3 Tokens and you deal 6 Damage: 10 damage dealt total

Attack 3: Generat 4 Tokens, You now have 7 Tokens and you deal 10 Damage: 20 damage dealt total

Attack 4: Generat 8 Tokens, you now have 15 tokens and you deal 18 Damage: 38 damage dealt total (one player should be dead)

Attack 5: Generat 16 Tokens, you now have 31 Tokens and you deal 34 Damage: 72 damage dealt total

Attack 6: Generat 35 Tokens, you now have 69 Tokens and you deal 72 Damage: 144 damage dealt total

In other words Najeela is close to a six turn clock, make it seven because your opponents should have blockers. But then say six once more because you don't need to do 144 damage. Also your opponents will also hurt themselves and each other. So in the end a 5-7 turn clock ish.

So if she comes into play Turn 2, you win the game with only her turn 8. But each time you activate her ability you kick the clock one turn ahead. This is also why it is so important with a really low CMC curve. If you have 7 mana you can activate your commanders ability and still cast interaction that cost 2 mana; for example Negate or Abrupt Decay .

I play a lot of cEDH and have one of those "gotta catch em all commanders", a bucket list to play all commanders. But Najeela, the Blade-Blossom is by fare my favorit one. So, I have a bunch of different Blade-blossom decks and down here you can find tapped out links to all of them.

Najeela Aluren

Najeela kiki hulk

Najeela Bloodcraft

Najeela Reanimator


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

25 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.06
Tokens Bird 1/1 W, Emblem Dack Fayden, Warrior 1/1 W
Folders EDH, cEDH, Interest, All cEDH decks Folder, Najeela decks, Competitive EDH, Brainstorming, insperation decks, cEDH
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