Hi guys and welcome to this thread. Today, the goal is to create a deck that is highly interactive, fun to play, with important decision making, and most importantly, that plays the best Waifu material ever : Narset.
I would like to point out right away that this deck cannot be tier one, Narset is (too) expensive for modern, and the result is random. Also, the budget limit is around 300$. Anyway, let's break it down :
Where do we start ?
With this budget restriction, bye bye Cryptic Command and Snapcaster Mage, as well as manlands or Clique.The theme being Narset, we will start with 3 of Narset, Enlightened Master, 4 being way too much, and with only two, chances are we wont see it. (note that the correct number might be 2 to be more competitive).
Then what do we need ? Narset revolves around "non-creature" spells, so we would like to have as many instants/sorcery/planeswalkers as possible. We still need creatures however :
- Wall of Omens is great, allow you to hold poisition while cantriping, a 2/3 of seems appropriate. If your metagame is Aggro-oriented, try 4.
- Geist of Saint Traft is an amazing card, I'm not going to debate on why, but Two of seems a great deal.
--- Might be Good ---
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
: good card overall, though I don't think we need it. A bit Pricey.
Grim Lavamancer : Might be actually really good since we play a lot of burn, and don't run snapcaster.
So, we are done with creatures. Next comes the core of the deck :
Lightning Bolt : easy 4 of, great card. Always amazed by it.
Lightning Helix : I usually run these by 2 or 3, this card is really good as well.
Electrolyze : 2 of. Acts as a Cantrip most of the times, will take care of Lingering Souls and tokens. Don't forget that you might want to direct 1 point of damage to the face, in case opp wants to deny you of your draw by killling his own creatures (seen before)
Path to Exile : 3 of, the fourth might be a good addition depending on your meta.
Detention Sphere : Always a great card. It will take care of almost any threat, including tokens/walkers.
Supreme Verdict : The mana base allow it, so it's better than wrath. Comes in handy.
Opt : 2 of. Serum Visions is somewhat better I guess, so if you have them, play them instead. Opt has an advantage however, you can keep bolt open with steam vents and opt EOT if your opponent does not play a 1 drop.
Mana Leak : I love this card, it has the advantage of being a hard counter most of the times. If you feel better with remand, go for it.
Condescend : Great permission, the scry 2 gets really good with the rest of our cards.
--- WALKERS ---We can cheat Walkers into play, might as play have some
Gideon Jura : Simply amazed by this card, it protects other walkers, and can hit for 6, or kill something.
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage : This is a fringe card, but it will often do great things. Her ultimate is busted with Narset. How do you feel about casting four cards for free and then having them in your hand ready to be casted again ?
Ajani Vengeant : This is a good walker, Nahiri might be better. I just love this card. His ultimate is game breaker.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion : Just a good walker. A second Gideon might be a smart choice instead.
Narset Transcendent : I'm not sure about this card, but rebound is great. Here +1 is useful, and her ult usually wins you the game in certain matchups. (3 of might be too much though.)
--- Mana Base ---Can't afford fetches, but they would be great.- Sacred Foundry // Hallowed Fountain // card:Steam Vents : Must have.
I'm still cracking the numbers for the lands.
--- Sideboarding ---
That's it for today. Please feel free to contribute to this deck, with crazy ideas or new additions, number change etc.