This deck is built on infect and proliferate abilities. It also tries to adapt on opponent play.
First wave
Plague Stinger Is a classic infect flying, small body 1/1. Here to put the first poison counter.
Thrummingbird Little's plague stinger brother, same stats. Here to proliferate.
Blighted Agent this little man can infect and he's unblockable, why not ?
Main core
Phyrexian Crusader has first strike, protection from two colors and infect. Red won't blast him and white won't pacifise it. 3 Mana cost, a strong creature for me.
Cryptoplasm 2/2 for 3 that's not great, but his capacity is amazing, you can copy your strongest creatures or the opponent's one. His little body won't resist a blast so he's fragile on the casting turn.
Doesn't infect but does damages in the form of -1/-1. His attack doesn't matter as he's not designed to attack opponent but to steal creatures from him.
3 cards are here to work with
Grim Affliction : Helps us putting nasty -1/-1 and proliferate
Crumbling Ashes
: Will help clearing opponent's board thank's to Necro
Go for the Throat : In this particular case this instant will allow us to destroy and steal a creature on the same turn. And it's never bad to have some anti-beast.
Hand of the Praetors
is a great guy, middle-body for 4 but will greatly affect our game . Infect creatures will +1/+1 and when casted it automatically puts a poison counter.
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is a strong zombie that I like for giving +1+1 and undying, that's powerfull.
Grand Architect will allow my little blue creatures to also get +1+1 on them and to tap for mana in order to cast and spell artifact creatures. I like him because he gives a second chance to my blue winnies to influence the game.
He works with Contagion Clasp and Contagion Engine, two artifact builded for proliferate.
Kulrath Knight is a great tool in this deck as opponent creatures with counters on them won't attack or block anymore, so powerfull in this archetype, and he of course does damage in form of -1-1
Ponder,Halimar Depths,Cancel
Comment I started playing Mtg for 2 months now. I usually play with friends that are beginners too. I win most of games. I bought only one event deck (mono-black devotion, born of the gods) and since the start I made my decks myself.
This is my first attempt to build a competitive deck, based on infect and proliferate. I like somes sides of this deck wich are the combo's and the archetype.But I also find verry slow and vunerable, and synergy is not at 100%.I find out that infect cards are expensive in mana cost, and they're easily breakable in some case. That's why I try to copy the opponent creatures.The colors used for infect are black green and blue.
I got different ideas to improve this deck. A touch of green could be verry interesting in the early game, with giant growth like cards. Vines of Vastwood + Plague Stinger could be powerfull at the verry begining of the game.At the begining of the building, I was intending playing a lot more of artifact, but some spells in green and white that destroys every artifact in the battlefield discourage me to do so.
I tested this deck yesterday. Two friends were aware that I builded a infect deck. I play against them two with a team-mate (our host) who played a intro pack (blue-white). My two opponents wanted revenge from their last defeat, and since I am considered as the most "intellectual" player who takes a lot of time thinking and building his decks (and it's true).They were ready to fight me (they carefully builded their deck too) and the game was close, they finally win "in extremis".
I consider those games like "stress-test" for my decks as I know that they're playing first of all against me and I use it at my own experience advantage :)
I was verry disturbed when they used pacifism like white spell to tap and negate the abilities of my creatures. Hopefully Phyrexian Crusader was there :)They also use creatures that "detain" mines. One of opponent is really strong on putting a lot of tokens on the battlefield and mana ramp (envolving wilds and also spell like this on the deck)The other is more defensive and combo-tricky but his combos are not usually well balanced. He plays a lot of enchantement like pacifism or Detain
Have you guys any suggestion to make on this deck ? I really need your experience guys ;) My middle-term goal is to be able to play on competitive tournaments at my local Magic retailer.I will post later my two others decks, one derivated from my mono black devotion event deck, and the other 100% fun and casual, builded around hp gain, white and green :)
PS : My native language is french so forgive my english mistakes please