FNM Results: 2-2
March 15, 2013
Round 1 - vs Gruul Deck Wins 1-2
Match 1
Opponent played Stromkirk Noble and I knew I was already in trouble. I had no response then as Spear was still not mainboard, instead I had only Boros Charm instead and no other type of removal. He slowly eat my life away as all my
Flinthoof Boar
decided to hide themselves somewhere in my deck along with my lands. 0-1
Match 2
Fast Round. I got my combo set up, Champion of the Parish first turn. Next turn, Burning-Tree Emissary + lighting mauler, swung for 7. Next Turn, another Mauler and it was game. 1-1
Match 3.
As far as I remember we were both down to 5 life, but he played Act of Treason stealing my Champion and swung for lethal. 1-2.
Round 2 - vs R/U/G Deck Built-In-10-Minutes
Match 1
I was facing my friend who barely made on time to FNM. He bought a Simic Event Deck, and added card he had somewhere in his card. It was a 98 card deck (we counted after the Round ended) and all it did was search for land and at some point play Thragstusk. I never got to see it come out. 1-0
Match 2
Pretty much same as Match 1. He looked for land, played a few Arbor Elfs but no Thragstusk. 2-0
Round 3 vs Mono-Black Anti Boros
Match 1
I got him down to 8 life but Blood Artist, Gravecrawler and Bloodthrone Vampire kept him alive and he slowly drained my life away. 0-1
Match 2
He sideboarded in all Anti-human so it was game even after I played Rest in Peace as he kept hitting me with Geralf's Messenger and and boardswiping with spells such as
Human Frailty
and Victim of Night. 0-2
Round 4 - vs Azorius Control
Match 1
I kept playing creatures and he only played a [Detention Sphere]] targeting my Champion of the Parish. 1-0
Match 2
Got my combo again with Champion of the Parish + Burning-Tree Emissary + lighting mauler, swung for 7, he played a Champion as well but died blocking my Mauler. He was getting no creatures or any response to my attack so he scooped. 2-0
I ended 10 place of ??? as we started with a lot of people but they started to disappear after round 2.