This was inspired by Rasanck's Wolves who bench Eldrazi: It's Better Than Yours deck. This version has a splash of white to make it a little more interesting, and potentially keep things on the board. This deck still relies on the combo theme, even more so than Rasanck's deck.
Zada, Hedron Grinder and Silverfur Partisan are still staples. The combo idea of hitting Zada with things like Rush of Adrenaline into Might of the Masses allows for not only plenty of +2/+1 stacks, but several wolf tokens adding to an even bigger +1/+1 stack to everything.
I have simply added White in order to add Sigarda, Heron's Grace, Odric, Lunarch Marshal, Archangel of Tithes, and Nahiri's Machinations.
Sigarda gives you and all your humans hexproof. This may seem out of place, but look closer. Odric gives everything hexproof from Sigarda. This means as long as they are on the board together, nothing can be targeted by spells. Wait so things can't leave the board?! lol
Archangel and Nahiri's are extras in order to add some additional pressure. Archangel requires your opponent to pay extra mana to attack and block, as well as pressure in the air. Nahiri's helps to keep things on the board, whilst either Odric and/or Zada are on the board without Sigarda, by making everything indestructible.
Now, this obviously means that this deck is Combo heavy, but there are other win conditions besides the Sigarda Odric combo. Silverfur alone replaces wolves after targeting spells, and almost all everything is a human werewolf, which synergize well with both Sigarda and Silverfur at the same time.
So again, this deck is a combo-heavy deck with other a few other options (including the sideboard that adds some removal/burn if needed), so it has a lot going on, but that comes with this sort of deck.
Please comment with suggestions and thoughts on how to improve this deck.