This is an enduring ideal deck, but altered so that each enchantment is castable, on color, and powerful on its own.
If you successfully lock your opponent down hard enough, you will probably get enough mana eventually to cast an Enduring Ideal.
Alternately, or additionally, cast a Lotus Bloom early game or work on your devotion with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to ramp into an early ideal. It can also ramp directly into an early Dovescape or Overwhelming Splendor.
If you cast Enduring Ideal, great, you probably won! Just grab in whichever order makes sense, Overwhelming Splendor and Dovescape, then whatever other tools you need for a total lock (maybe if you sided Reverence)?, and then cast Luminarch Ascension to set up your win. If for whatever reason you can't attack or they played worship or something, just tutor up Detention Sphere and whatever Copy Enchantment spells you want. Bottom line, an Enduring Ideal that resolves will win you the game like 99 percent of the time, if you play your cards right.
If you need to hardcast Dovescape, you can still race your opponent into an Archetype of Imagination and a Magus of the Moat and win. Windborn Muse will also slow them down a bit if they have more birds than you.
hardcasting Overwhelming Splendor is often also an excellent option.
Game 2 they will side in all their enchantment hate. Greater Auramancy might help, especially with the aid of Copy Enchantments. If they begin to kill things, that's where Starfield of Nyx can be handy, but you need to be careful with it since it makes all your enchantments much more vulnerable to removal.
Try Form of the Dragon if you want, but it seems to end up as a dead card in my hand more often than i like so i don't use it.