I'm trying to make a deck for FNM and would really appreciate some help.
Comments and +1 greatly welcome.
Well, no comments at all. I guess I'll have to make it all alone then...
After making a lot of tests, on copies of this deck, I eliminated all the inistrad zombies, so I'm starting all over from scratch. The test I made was still cool, so here is the link: reraise-the-dead
After more than six weeks of testing and changes, I finally feel like it's working.
I realized that the removal cards like Go for the Throat and Doom Blade are just slowing down my deck, while Skinrender usually do a better job and the numbers of zombies I can sometime gets compensate for the size of the opponent's bigger creatures. At one time I felt like Call to the Grave was an absolute, and then again, I realize that - one enemy creature doesn't worth 5cc while I sometime gets + 4, + 10 and even + 20 creatures for myself with Endless Ranks of the Dead. It is almost better to take control of the battlefield as fast as possible that trying to block the opponent. For this reason, I finally can say, that
Walking Corpse
is so much better in this deck than I would accept it to be for a very long time.
The zombies are still not as good as I would like, but are working well enough for now. There is definitely something missing that I just could not found in the previews series, so hopefully, it will be in Dark Ascension.
(For any idea of what I have tested, just look at history list... lol)
Well, the FNM test showed me that the deck is not working... : (
I won the first match against a R/U control and then lost all the others... a Geist of Saint Traft, a Delver of Secrets
and a Titan deck.
So I made I new one that I will test as soon as I get the missing cards. Hopefully the next one will be better them this one.
This is the link to my new version: night-of-the-dead-kill-then-raise