
Enchantment (2)

Artifact (2)

v2 of my grixis mill mass overhaul on most cards. Some of the most important changes include:

lowering of both Devour Flesh and Magma Jet for more wipes in the form of Mizzium Mortars and Ratchet Bomb

changed the counterspells base by completely removing Psychic Strike in favor of Dissolve and Counterflux; scry1 and uncounterable are in my opinion better then the mill2 who just feels very meager unless repeatable.

increased the amount of threats this deck has >>AEtherling shoulve added him sooner since its normally a stable for any deck playing control with blue.

removed Thassa, God of the Sea she was a great card to have but atm im incapable of getting a 2nd and she generally needed to be a 2off in the deck.


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-1 Anger of the Gods -1 Far / Away -2 Devour Flesh

+1 Dissolve +1 Magma Jet +2 Thoughtseize

Anger of the Gods is good as a 2off it hits pretty much all of aggro and the early devotion targets with very few exceptions. as a 3 i found it way to much of a deadcards if fighting any for control...

Far / Away is lowere to 2 and Devour Flesh is cut in its entire because there realy issnt thay much that needs to be sacced. i never encounter hexproof builds and the other things that could use saccing are sylvan caratid witch we can get rid of with Anger of the Gods and Blood Baron of Vizkopa who i can still remove with Mizzium Mortars; 2 Far / Away remain since the card is still good and can get rid of multiples and Advent of the Wurm


-1 Essence Scatter -1 Anger of the Gods +2 Drown in Sorrow

-2 Negate +2 ilness in the ranks

already noticed that 2 essence scatter is the right amount if you play them and already spoke of Anger of the Gods while Drown in Sorrow does less it gets past protection in white weenie and thats what we want.

removed Negate with all the discard and Slaughter Games we dont realy need these. Illness in the Ranks shuts down Assemble the Legion and Elspeth, Sun's Champion(till ult but that shouldnt happen) those cards can singlehandedly win games.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 9 Rares

8 - 4 Uncommons

5 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.31
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