In the wake of the government shut down there is only one that can save us. The great and powerful dracogenius. Enter President Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius.
Card choices-2x Anger of the Gods My second favorite card from the new set. It honestly might be the new pillar of flame aka the reason to play u/w/r instead of esper. Early sweeper and kills voice of ersurgence
Azorius Charm
-it basically does everything you could every want it to do. auto 4 of
-probably should be a
but after the first week of standard I wanted a trump card in the mirror. NO! bad control player!
2x Detention Sphere- possibly the only out to an early Domnri Rade. Also hard removal.
-Cancel for little to no extra value. It this is where wizards wants counter magic to be I guess we will have to live with it.1x Elspeth, Sun commander-Win con. favorite card of the new set. She a brick house!
2x Izzet Charm a sort of draw spell/negate that is also a removal spell. Probably could be changed
2x Jace, Architect of Thought- With out a think twice type spell he is card draw against mid-range and against aggro he is a helluva a follow up to supreme verdict.
2x Liightning Strike-Snapcaster is gone. Why can't I have bolt back? Please wizards? bolt and Counterspell? just once?
2x Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius-My favorite card every. AEtherling is strictly better I know but I want to try and make ole' Niv good.
3x Sphinx's Revelation-best card in standard.2x
Steam Augury
-This card might have to be removed due to the nature of the deck since I pay very few four ofs. Perhaps a control deck needs to be built around this to properly take advantage of its power.
2x Supreme Verdict-standard's four mana sweeper.
Turn / Burn
- Kills the new dragon and blood baron and Angel of Serenity.
Warleader's Helix
-Solid planeswalker removal and kills alot of hard to answer permanents.