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Nobody loves: The Mellon

Legacy* Budget Ramp RG (Gruul)


Alright this is a bit strange since this looks like a green pacman WHERE'S THIS RED!!! heh... Actually most of the red in this deck is just in the lands, like Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle which does the real damage. If the deck gets you in a pickle or if you just like to burn people, I made sure to pack you some Seismic Assault . "May the odds be ever in your favor."

If you are still reading this then that is because you aren't a daring individual and I need to explain how this deck works sigh.

Six Secrets to the Mellon:

FIRST: Make sure there is an available green mana source in your hand...Forest. I just want to make sure we're all on the same page; you're looking for this guy's shit (Omnath, Locus of Mana). For some reason the decks ratio makes green mana pretty available.

SECOND: Play if possible Burgeoning, or Exploration. If you can't no prob-lame-o, cause Summer Bloom will pick you up when you're down, or you'll just get allergies.

TRIPLE*: Feed the landfall! Khalni Heart Expedition and Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle suck without lands. Play these cards and then play lands every possible chance you can get. Evolving Wilds is super helpful in this respect, since it counts as playing two lands; it's also damn cheap compared to fetch lands. The first few rounds should look like this: two or three lands on your turn, then another one or two on your opponents turn, another two or three for your second turn...BOOM! especially if you triggered Khalni Heart Expedition you can totally play Primeval Titan on turn two. ('o') Yay! Also you have become eligible to use Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle assuming you chose mountains...

FOURTH: Choose Mountain or better yet Stomping Ground. The deck needs Forests to function, but the Mountains are what get stuff done.

FIFTH: Your hand may go dry, but stay strong and keep that poker face >_> because at a point, this deck doesn't need a hand to run. Oracle of Mul Daya can just pump lands off the top of your deck all day and all night long. Read the card Oracle of Mul Daya. With Exploration you can now play three lands a turn without even drawing.

SIXTH: You don't even needs lands at a point. That's right, the deck that's half lands doesn't need them. Sacrifice all of them to Seismic Assault and deal a lot of damage, and if it doesn't kill your opponent just play Life from the Loam and get those lands back to burn them again.

I hope that everyone who plays with this deck will have boatloads of fun with it. All aboard the SSExploration! That's another thing, a playset of Exploration is about $100. A bit much for casual play. If you want the deck for less I suggest swapping Exploration for Manabond .
Enjoy and please comment. I love feedback! Don't forget +1

  • Got ya


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.60
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