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Odzedat's Army of Friends

Standard WUB (Esper)



Planeswalker (3)

Enchantment (5)

Artifact (4)

Instant (2)

Sorcery (1)

"All in favor of death?"

"Yesssss" whispered the Council.

This is my first go at a control deck, so let me explain my choices. This deck consists of four parts, Draw, Board Control, Friends, and Obzedat.

PART I : The Draw.

It is hard to beat a deck that has card advantage. Especially when combined with the board control this deck has. Whats better than never needing to top deck, because you have all the cards you need in your hand?!

  • Sphinx's Revelation - This cards changes games. In fact, everytime I've played a late game one of these bad boys, it normally results in a win. In a control deck with lots of lands on the board, and normally being able to waste most paying for x you can exponentially increase your hand, and increase your life total all the same! Does it really need explaining? If the deck has UW, it has Sphinx's Revelation.

  • Azorius Charm - This is the only playset (besides lands) I'm using in this deck. Not only can it be used to draw an extra card with extra mana during the end step of an opponents turn, it can crucially send a big scary dude back on top of the library. The flexibility is key with the charms, and this one exercises that.

  • Dimir Charm - This one is under Draw because of its second option. Its put better as a dig, and Forbidden Alchemy probably does this better, but the option to kill an early game threat, and to cancel a sorcery bomb makes this one the winner.

  • Think Twice - Simply draw a card. And then do it again.

  • Augur of Bolas - At first I wanted as little creatures as possible, but this guy is way to valuable to pass up on. He can be a crucial blocker of those pesky early game 2-power creatures, and his dig is very awesome early game, helping you set up for the rest of the game.

PART II : Board Control

Since the deck is hopefully drawing all the cards you need, you know have a plethora of cards that will help you out during the game itself! These are the cards that without, this deck will get run over in today's fast-paced standard.

  • Azorius Charm & Dimir Charm - Both have to option to get creatures you don't want off the board.

  • Terminus - This card actually goes against the way this deck works, in never needing to top deck, (also why I removed Entreat the Angels) but its just too crucial to pass up. Although inferior to Supreme Verdict if this card does get Miracle'd in, you give yourself a lot of mana to work with.

  • Supreme Verdict - This card is the weapon of choice. Cheaper than Terminus (if not Miracle'd) and it can't be countered. Even though todays standard doesn't incorporate many counter spells, you never want something that's saving your butt to get answered to.

  • Detention Sphere - Better than its counterpart Oblivion Ring, this card is great for getting any multiples off the field, and just any scary dudes in general. Great for Zombie decks, and decks using the Undying mechanism.

  • Lingering Souls - Helps deal with creatures with potentially four blockers if need be.

PART III : The Army of Friends

Since this deck uses so many creature wipes and such, why not have something staying on the field when you cast a Supreme Verdict or Terminus? Especially since they can all build to their ultimates since now creatures are around! All three help in their own way.

  • Jace, Architect of Thought - When I first saw this card printed, I didn't really like it. Then I saw some people using it, and my thoughts on him have changed. I solemnly swear to only use him for his -2 dig, unless for some reason my opponent has all 1-powered creatures. The trickery and suspense you can cause your opponents is fun to watch.

  • Sorin, Lord of Innistrad - He makes a weenie every turn to protect him, and then hits where it hurts. Three of the opponents most valuable cards, now yours. FUN! His ult wins games, and I can even use it to get three digs out've Jace as well.

  • Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - She is a control freak. Get her ult out, and have a blast destroying all creatures every turn, drawing lots of cards, etc. And she can even draw you some cards too!

PART IV : Obzedat

The main win condition of this deck.

  • Obzedat, Ghost Council - This group of ghosts is my favorite card in standard right now. When I saw them printed in Gatecrash, I wanted to make a deck around them immediately. Well here it is! First off when it hits, instant 4-life difference. Every turn after that is a definite 4 but potentially a 9-life difference! Its hard to combat, considering they're never around to exile, can only be killed by an instant. Unless stopped via instant, or running out've time, this card will win every game it hits. Good luck dealing with it! (I have actually had games where when he hits, people scoop and say, my deck can't beat him.)

And now that you've read this far, I don't care if you +1 or not, all I care is that you give some feedback! I'm not a good deck builder by any means, lemme know what I can do to make this deck better! Thanks for your time!


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 6 Mythic Rares

28 - 7 Rares

13 - 2 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.35
Tokens Emblem Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Emblem Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Spirit 1/1 W, Vampire 1/1 B w/ Lifelink
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