Undated ramp list. 4 Ugin to deal with rally, map the wastes over pilgrimage so we can fetch red. I'm not mainboarding thot knot seer because its a nonbo with kozileks return, and also because I dont want to turn on my opponent's spot removal (although, if they are looking to spend a turn killing hangarback, I'll take it) SIDEBOARD TEK
OUT: 3 Ulamog, 4 Hedron Archive, 1 Explosive Vegies, 1 Nissa's renewal, 2 Ugin, the spirit dragon
IN: 4 Thought-Knot Seer, 1 Void Winnower, 4 Jaddi offshoot, 2 Warping Wail
Cutting most of our bombs, notibly ugin, may be a mistake. would love some feedback.
OUT: 4 Ruin in their wake, 4 Kozileks Return, 2 World Breaker, 1 Nissa's Renewal
IN: 1 Void Winnower, 4 Rattleclaw Mystic, 2 Warping Wail, 4 Thought-Knot Seer
Warping wail exiles stuff, and rattleclaw is good in this matchup because they never have removal game 2. Is cutting kozilek's return the right call?
OUT: 4 Kozileks Return, 4 Ugin, The Spirit Dragon, 3 Ruin in Their Wake
IN: 1 Void Winnower, 4 Thought-Knot Seer, 2 Warping Wail, 4 Rattleclaw Mystic
As it stands out sideboard is very good in this matchup. Warping Wail counter ramp, void winnower is essentially just an instant win, thot knot disrupts them and rattleclaw is a nice improvement that helps us jump from 2 to 4.
OUT: 2 Warping Wail
IN: 2 Thought-Knot Seer
Weak sideboard but good overall match i think. Duress is a problem, but this deck packs more ramp than most decks. Certainly not interested in cutting ramp for creatures here.
OUT: 2 Warping Wail, 4 Kozilek's Return, 2 Ruin in there wake, 1 Nissa's Renewal
IN: 4 Rattleclaw, 4 Thought- Knot Seer, 1 Void Winnower.
In theory control beats ramp, but chaining ulamogs and reviving world breakers over and over again is pretty much unbeatable. I think this is a great match for us. Were happy to let the game go a bit longer so we are keeping ugin in the mainboard, and siding in stuff opponent has to deal with. the plan is to just take the 1 for 1's, drain their counterspells, and fetch worldbreaker. once hes out, unless hes exiled we just recast him every turn until opponent runs out of cards. Were going over the top.