Wanna play modern on a budget and still win? wanna play somthing uniqe and fun? you love removals, tricksand winning with controling hard to beat cards? this is the deck for you.The idea is preety simple, control the board using spot removals, mass removals, hand distruption and Demonic Pact.
So the problem with Demonic Pact is the part where u can lose the game becasue of it, thats why we want to destroy it after using two abillities, in this deck we have a couple of ways doing so and by that gain some value.
Flickerwisp- a 3/1 flyer is a very decent body that can easly beat down our opponent when times come, the nig thing about it though is the part where he resets our Demonic Pact and let us use all of his abbilites again.
Angelic Purge- One of my favorite cards here, with sacreficing our used Demonic Pact it exilse almost anything opponent have.
Anguished Unmaking- Yah. this is a more loose than win if you use it on your own cards, but it is a solid spot removal at instant speed, and when time demands its a way of not loosing the game to the Pact.
Remember that Pact can dig us cards as well so finding one of those is easier than it seems.
In order to use Pact like we want to we are gonna need to disrupt our opponent, a lot, so this is our disruption plan:
Vampire Nighthawk- decent body, flyer, gain us life and kills whatever it touchs so usually keeps our opponent from attacking.
Anguished Unmaking- Already talked about this one, its an extremely solid spot removal, exiles at instant speed anything we need, from a gofy to Nahiri or Ulamog.
Condemn- Since weve got so many ways to kills our opponent creatures I prefer condemn here over path, but it negotiable, either way it makes a big attacker disapear for just 1 mana, also works great agaisnt death's shadow decks.
Fatal Push- No explenation needed here, its an all star kills everything early and some of the late game creatures, not to mention its nice synergy with sacrficing\bouncing the Pact.
Duress- I love duress, it removing anything but creatures from an opponents hand, counterspells, removals, plainswalkers. I do not think thoughtsieze is a must in this deck because of the amount of removals, but again, is negotiable.
Lingering Souls- A BW deck with no Lingering Souls is basicly a crime, this card genrate great value, blockers, attackers, mana sink, good at early game, good at late game, probably best card in the deck.
Wrath of God- Mass removals are must in those kind of decks, some times our opponent generate creatures faster than we draw removals.
Bontu's Last Reckoning- Still testing this one, I know the lands lock is bad, but so far he did an amazing job keeping me alive, bette than most 4 cmc wraths (expet Supreme Verdict, but thats off color), but because of the downside I cant have too many of those.
Ghost Quarter- Good against Tron mainely, but it can kill other lands as well like mutavault, or even cavern (I hate cavern)
Soo, we have our Demonic Pact generating value and getting us wayy ahead of our opponent and we have a disruption strong enaugh to lock his board, but we still gonna need some hard to deal with spells so we will be able to close up the game.
Noxious Gearhulk- Kills almost any creature we want in the late game and generating life while doing so, the life gain part is preety usefull at the late game, so as the 5/4 menace body that can be reanimated.
Obzedat, Ghost Council- This card can destroy our opponent game even without attacking, so unless thay have some instant speed removals and no other pressure on the board, they are preety dead, spacially good agaisnt control match ups.
Secure the Wastes- At the early game creature tokens to block and at the late game easly win us the game, all at instant speed.
Read the Bones- Powerfull dig and draw effect, helps us find answers, ways to remove our Pact and finishers.
Unburial Rites- One of the best reanimator cards in modern, reanimating an Obzedat or Gearhulk is devastating almost every time.
Ob Nixilis Reignited- usually Kills a creature and annoy our opponent, his plus abillity draws us cards and help us closing up the game with more removals and answers in our hand. rarely win us hte games with his ultimate.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion- Amazing Plainswalker. generate tokens, mass removal big guys and ulti that win us games, but either way, if she stays for more than two turns, its getting preety hard to loose.
Grand Abolisher- No instant speed? No counterspells, thats one of this deck greates weakness, dying to counterspell of two Flickerwisps\purges and dying to our own Pact.
Rest in Peace- Since so little of our cards are affecting from the graveyard (just souls and rites) it doesnt heart us as other control players or any other decks that uses the graveyard.
Stony Silence- Disrupt both tron and affinty, great sideboard card, never failled me yet.
Ultimate Price
- Need more instant speed sport removals cause our opponent playes goyf, shadow, ooze and confidant? this is the card we need, also good agaisnt guides, swiftspears, cliuqes and all the other modern allstars.
Duress- Good agaisnt Control and any other instant sorcery based deck, even agasint tron in some variations.
Flaying Tendrils- Mass Exile to Tiny creatures, including Etched Champion casue Devoid is a thing.
Bontu's Last Reckoning- Out extra Mass removal on the sideboard, in case our oppnent havey on creatures.
Phyrexian Arena- Good against grindy decks, in those matchs we are gonna need much more gas, the arena helps us out with it with a small price of 1 life per card.
White Sun's Zenith- I use it against havey counterspells decks, when we need more finishers than our opponent counterspells.