While cEDH is all about optimization, I do love my tier two decks. However, I think this deck attacks on a different angle than most cEDH decks and represents where the meta is shifting to thanks to a little card known as Dockside Extortionist. With the prevalence of counter magic that shuts down everything except for creature spells, creature spells are easier to push through, thus making creature based combos stronger. Granted, a Cursed Totem will shut down the deck, but we're playing green! We've got answers for that. If you love playing creatures, if you love Dockside Extortionist, if you love Underworld Breach loops, this deck is for you.
As an Omnath, Locus of the Roil food chain player, it's tempting to shift that deck into four colors, especially since the addition of white gives us access to enchantment tutors. However, I think that's a trap. I don't think this Omnath is as good as a Food Chain pay off as temur Omnath, and I think we can build a stronger deck by just playing good stuff.

The number one thing we want to do is make infinite mana by flickering Dockside.
- Dockside Extortionist + Temur Sabertooth , Dockside Extortionist + Emiel the Blessed , and Deadeye Navigator + Dockside Extortionist are standard combos that I'm sure you've seen. Each one requires your opponents to have a certain number of artifacts and enchantments in order to go infinite, so make sure you count!
- Once we have infinite mana, we can use those creatures to flicker/return to hand and recast Omnath until we draw our entire deck. From there, there are a few options:
- A neat think we can do with infinite mana thanks to Deadeye Navigator + Dockside Extortionist is use Dryad Arbor and take advantage of of Omnath's landfall abilities. Once you have made infinite mana with either Deadeye Navigator or Emiel the Blessed and Dockside Extortionist AND have Dryad Arbor in play, cast Omnath. When Omnath resolves and the ETB draw trigger is on the stack, flicker Dryad Arbor three times to trigger Omnath's landfall ability three times, thus negging your opponents and their planeswalkers for four damage. Let the ETB resolve and draw a card, then flicker Omnath. Repeat.
-With infinite mana and our deck in hand, we can pump all that into Finale of Devastation and swing in for the kill.

We've all had it happen, your commander gets taken by Gilded Drake, your mana has become restricted thanks to Cursed Totem, or whatever other reason you can't get Omnath into play. No problem!
- Brain Freeze + Lion's Eye Diamond + Underworld Breach is my personal favorite Breach line.
- Lion's Eye Diamond + Underworld Breach + Wheel of Fortune has become a staple combo in the format, but make sure that they have fewer cards in their library than you since we do not run Angel's Grace.
- Play a Spellseeker, with Spellseeker's ETB, fetch up Ephemerate. Cast Ephemerate targeting Spellseeker. When Spellseeker ETBs, fetch Final Fortune. Cast Final Fortune and take an extra turn. At that next turn, during your upkeep Ephemerate will rebound and target Spellseeker. When Spellseeker ETBs, fetch Mystical Tutor. Cast Mystical Tutor during your upkeep and fetch Intuition and put it on top of your library. Draw Intuition, cast it, and make your favorite Intuition pile to close the game (Intuition piles detailed in the next section).
Intuition is easily one of my favorite cards in all of Magic: the Gathering. It's a card that is highly rewarding when you figure out how to best exploit it, and it can be used offensively to tutor your win cons, defensively to protect your win cons, or keep others from going off. Intuition is often a one card win con and is only limited by your creativity.
The Intuition piles I craft most often are as follows:
- Underworld Breach, Sevinne's Reclamation, and either Lion's Eye Diamond or Brain Freeze, whichever part you need to complete the Breach loop to mill your opponents.
- Emiel the Blessed, Deadeye Navigator, and Temur Sabertooth. Wow! We have three things that flicker Dockside Extortionist for infinite mana.
- Three free counterspells such as Force of Will, Force of Negation, Pact of Negation, or Fierce Guardianship depending on what needs to get countered and whether or not Omnath is in play.
- With Eternal Witness and Noxious Revival in the deck, you can select those two and any other spell to ensure that you can always get what you intend to tutor for. Your opponents will undoubtedly give you Noxious Revival though, so make sure you have a way to draw a card in your hand or be able to play Omnath.
Now that we know what the deck is looking to do, let's talk about when to do it. In our opening hands we are looking for acceleration, a tutor, three lands, card draw, and interaction. You must mulligan aggressively until you find a tutor since we are looking to pressure the win early and often. This deck can pull off a turn two win with a Breach line, but this deck is certainly not as consistently fast as Blue Farm decks. Omnath's mid game is honestly not that impressive when you compare it to a Thrasios/Bruse build who will be able to grind so much better in the mid and late game. However, this deck is explosive and is looking to deploy its pieces for the win when others have tapped out for value engines or after a significant counter battle has occurred. This deck will reward you deeply for being able to read the table and carefully timing your combo deployment. This deck is mana hungry, so you must count your available mana incredibly carefully. One mana is often the difference between victory and defeat.
- Acceleration: this deck being in four colours and being susceptible to both Null Rod and Cursed Totem means that you ideally would like one dork such as a Birds of Paradise and one artifact such as Chrome Mox in your opening hand, depending on the pod composition of course. White sources in the deck are rare, and you should prioritize acceleration that taps for a mana of any color rather than just green or colorless. What are we accelerating towards? We are not looking to power out Omnath as quickly as possible. It doesn't do anything when it's in play, and it's just going to be a lightning rod for Gilded Drakes. Do NOT play Omnath until you are going to win on that turn or you have interaction that you can hold up to protect the jellybean. We are looking to tutor for tutors to set up our combo pieces in our hand.
-Tutors: Ideally in our opening hand we have one of the following: Imperial Recruiter, Spellseeker, Mystical Tutor, Intuition, Neoform, Eldritch Evolution, or Eladamri's Call. Spellseeker is easily one of the best cards in this deck, and we must do everything to get it in play as it is a gateway for all our combos
I primarily play in a turbo ad naus meta and when faced against one or more of those decks, mulligan aggressively for interaction. You will be punished severely for tapping out for a Rhystic Study as those decks often win right through Rhystic Study or Mystic Remora. Omnath is not as fast as these decks, so look to leverage tempo plays by countering their rituals and their dockside extortionists.

With Thrasios based decks, Kinnan, Pako/Haldan, and other midrange decks, Omnath is looking to get under them with a Breach line as artifact/enchantment counts tend to not be as high when against green value engine based decks. Be the greedy aggressive deck; while this deck is not value engine based, it is resilient.

Against more controlling and staxy decks, our Dockside flicker lines laugh in the face of Rule of Law type effects. However, we do fold to a number of hate pieces, and it's important to mulligan for flexible tutors that can fetch up pieces of any of our win cons as well as look to dig for Abrade or Nature's Claim.


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99% Competitive

Revision 13 See all

(3 years ago)

-1 Allosaurus Shepherd acquire
-1 Avacyn's Pilgrim acquire
-1 Carpet of Flowers acquire
-1 Chord of Calling acquire
-1 Chrome Mox acquire
-1 City of Brassfoil acquire
+1 Cyclonic Rift main
-1 Dovin's Veto acquire
-1 Drannith Magistrate acquire
-1 Dryad Arbor acquire
-1 Eladamri's Call acquire
-1 Final Fortunefoil acquire
+1 Force of Negation main
-1 Hallowed Fountainfoil acquire
+1 Hullbreacher main
-1 Imperial Recruiter acquire
+1 Island main
+1 Mana Drain main
-1 Noble Hierarch acquire
-1 Noxious Revival acquire
and 30 other change(s)
Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

59 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.80
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Treasure
Ignored suggestions
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