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Oops... I Think I Just Won.

Commander / EDH


This deck is essentially about searching my deck for creatures and ramping them onto the field. It runs loads of creature search and various combos to achieve victory.

Infinite mana

Deadeye Navigator + Palinchron or Mirari's Wake + Palinchron

From there u can basically do anything you want with this deck.

Eternal Witness + Tooth and Nail have infinite mana and Deadeye Navigator infinitely cast tooth and nail.

Infinite mana + Deadeye Navigator + Eternal Witness + Time Warp infinite turns.

Archaeomancer + Roon of the Hidden Realm + Time Warp take lots of turns...?

Archaeomancer + Deadeye Navigator with infinite mana Blue Sun's Zenith

Infinite mana Genesis Wave

That Tooth and Nail combo with Akroma's Memorial

Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth with haste.

Enter the Infinite + Omniscience then Laboratory Maniac and Prime Speaker Zegana

Or infinite mana Deadeye Navigator + Prime Speaker Zegana with Laboratory Maniac

So many possibilities...


Updates Add

Switched Angel of Finality for Garruk, Primal Hunter

I felt the angel was too situational where as garruk is always solid.

Switched Harmonize for Exploration

Switched Diluvian Primordial for Time Warp. Extra turns are never a bad thing.
