
Don't run. You can't hide from... no, not the Blob! Incoming a tidal wave of Oozes to flood the battlefield on all planes of existence.This deck relies on synergies much like Slivers do, with Door of Destinies and Adaptive Automaton being universally key players. The sheer variety of the Oozes' abilities allow for a flexible gameplay that focusses on flooding the battlefield with either many, many tokens - to which extent Parallel Lives will help out greatly - or with creatures that become too big to be able to deal with, ranging upwards of 34/34s that poor out of Mitotic Slimes like nobody's business. Experiment One and Predator Ooze are forces to be reckoned with. And if the Oozes themselves aren't scary enough, imagine them coming back as tokens, stronger and stronger - this nightmare is known as the Gutter Grime .

The one point this deck is pretty much defenceless against is flying Creatures, but this is where the Sideboard comes in.

My love for Ooze cards springs forth from the first card to get me into Magic: Scavenging Ooze, of a promo variant that came with the purchasing of the online game Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers. As such, I've always wanted to create a deck around him and as it turns out, his Ooze brethren make for a nasty alliance.


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The user user:williamgp99 was kind enough to suggest two amazing cards that have been indeed added to the deck. Admittedly, they have increased its cost by about 30 euros, but hey - one is a Magic fan or one isn't, haha!

So welcome to the club of the Ooze, Gelatinous Genesis and Cavern of Souls! To make room for these, two Forests have mysteriously transmuted into said land... Also, one Acidic Slime was sent to the bench for rest and the Puppet Strings has been removed, because it never really fit into the general style of the deck anyway.

Prepare to be flooded by even more tokens (I forsee synergies with Parallel Lives) and creatures you can't even counter now! Mwaha, the Oozes' influence spreads!

Thanks for the suggestions - keep 'em coming! :)



Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 2 Rares

12 - 1 Uncommons

8 - 12 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.31
Tokens Ooze 1/1 G, Ooze 2/2 G for Mitotic Ooze, Ooze X/X G
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