Welp. This deck is brilliant.
After playing against the Pro Tour wining (I think?) deck, The Aristocrats, I went 2/3. Well, 2/4, but I like to think that I still did really well. Considered quite a few changes, as well as issues with the deck. I also managed to get a great deal many of the cards to complete it, and dropped a few I didn't have due to them not working well. I don't have play-by-play data as this was casual, but I do have the changes to my deck that showed up while playing.
-2 Parallel Lives. It simply didn't do enough in this deck. Oozes really aren't the powerhouse of the deck, but they are the finishers. A Gutter Grime once I've got my engine going is far better than a Parallel lives. However....
-1 Gutter Grime. I only need one, and it's a dead draw whenever I don't have my engine chugging along the tracks. 3 is unnecessary when I only need 4 mana to do anything cool with my deck, and often only draw that amount. If I do manage to get it out, it won't be a game shatter-er, but it will speed up my victory, as well as give me a buffer to rebuild if I manage to fail miserably and lose Ooze Flux or my undying creatures.
-3 Acidic Slime. See above. It's good, and it helps deal with my dual/shock/special-heavy meta, but they are sideboard-only. Besides, they are a great exchange for my next cards...
+3 Experiment One. I think this card will run the FLOOR with my other power cards. Turn one, Experiment. Turn 2, Stragnleroot. Attack. Undying triggers. I now have a 3/2 and a 3/3 on turn 2. One I can regenerate, the other I can start my engine off of on turn 4. I think it'll be wicked, and it bumps down the amount of mana I need each game, ensuring less mana-screy-shenenanigans.
+3 Rubblebelt Raiders. For this deck, 4 drops are confined to my Ooze Flux. However, with the addition of this HYBRID card, if I don't draw an Ooze Flux right away, this guy just gets STUPID fast. If I have a single Young Wolf, I have a 5/5 that can trade with most of the prime stupid drops in the format. And, it can be used as an Evolve trigger, a source to create HUGE oozes, and a simple 3/3 blocker at absolute worst. It's no undying creature, but it might as well be, for the amazingness I think it'll bring.
- Sideboard
Still considering a great many things for the sideboard, including enchantment, artifact, and everything hate. However,
+2 Acidic Slime is assured, if they're running copious amounts of Kessieg Wolf Runs or stupid things like that.