How the hell did I think that name would taste good (fever of 101 F)
I like advice and need like, 5 more cards to add
So tokens are fun because spot removal sucks against them. Board wipes are the way to deal with them but like, that's what disruption is for. The point of the deck is to make tokens, buff them, remove your opponents options to deal with you, and then make more tokens.
Card Choices
Lingering Souls, Spectral Procession, Raise the Alarm: Did someone say tokens? Um yeah. Lingering Souls is the bestest token card evar since it's two cards in one, take that Counterspell. Spectral Procession is 3 for 3, not bad, and Raise the Alarm is instant speed which makes up for it not being amazing.
Inquisition of Kozilek, Thoughtseize: So remember when your opponent was all like, Wrath of God goodbye boardstate? Well that's what these are for. Thoughtseize is good for removing those but I don't have money so Inquisition of Kozilek is there to shut down other things. If we're playing against control we bring in Duress to handle wraths.
Elspeth, Knight-Errant: #turn4format #tokens
Path to Exile, Dismember,
Murderous Cut
: Removal is nice. Path gets rid of everything and if they don't like basic land then that just sucks for them. Dismember kills indestructable and other stuff for cheap.
Murderous Cut
is there cause we don't really delve with anything so why not.
The land base is shit, I know, again I don't have money. As for now I can get a set of Godless Shrine and some black fetchlands so those will have to do. For an ideal mana base, more dual lands and Marsh Flats.
Uh, yeah that's it I don't feel like writing out the whole sideboard at the minute so that will come later.