Brief Introduction

Hello everyone, this is my Teysa Commander Deck. While most Teysa decks run large token army strategies or cards such as Angel of Despair; mine focuses on a far lower curve. We are looking to win through either the various combos or just a war of attrition. With such a "low to the ground" mana curve we are able to both stay under the radar and get a win out of know where with little set up.

The Win Conditions

As I stated before, we will be using various combos to try and win out of know where. Below are some of the most common combos, but the deck does have more.

Darkest Hour + Teysa, Orzhov Scion + A Sac Outlet/Any Creature.

Add Blood Artist- Infinite Damage.

Add Suture Priest + Vizkopa Guildmage - Infinite Life/Losses Life.

Add Viscera Seer- Infinite Scry.

Add Twilight Drover- Make a giant guy.

Blasting Station + Darkest Hour + Teysa, Orzhov Scion add any creature- Infinite Damage

Blasting Station + Karmic Guide + Reveillark - Infinite Damage

Sengir Autocrat + Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle + Necrotic Sliver Infinite ETB and destroy all permanents.

Bitterblossom + Contamination or Ophiomancer Lockdown all the non black players.

Now there are a few more combos throughout this deck, and is not limited to the wins above. This gives the deck a large strength as you can cobble together a win out of various pieces.

The Tutors

Demonic Tutor -Cheap and effective.

Enlightened Tutor -Helps us get out our various combo pieces.

Vampiric Tutor -Another cheap and effective tutor.

Shred Memory -With a fair amount of our cards costing two mana, this can be a very useful tutor. The fact that is also doubles as instant graveyard hate is also a plus!

Recruiter of the Guard - This tutor hits a lot of the creatures in our deck and we can reoccuer her ETB effect.


Return to the Ranks and Reveillark Can help us get out multiple creatures from our graveyard.

Unearth, Auramancer, Karmic Guide, and Salvage Scout give us one shot recursion.

Yawgmoth's Will Given the cheap nature of our cards, we can tend to empty a large portion of our graveyard after playing this card.

Corpse Dance - We run this card mainly because of the buyback cost and design of our deck. Multiple cards create lots of tokens upon entering or exiting the battlefield. This allows us to go infinite with either of our two Altars and serves as a backup win-con if Teysa is not playable.

Bloodghast, Nether Traitor, and Reassembling Skeleton These little guys keep coming back again and again.


Grim Haruspex, Dark Prophecy, and Skullclamp let us draw cards when our creatures die. (Which let me state, happens a lot.)

Phyrexian Arena - Gives us a card every turn at the low, low coast of 1 life! Grab yours now!

Dark Confidant - Our deck has a very low mana curve, so it's more than possible to get a ton of value out of this card.

Smothering Abomination - We sacrifice a lot of creatures in this deck, so Abomination can easily net us quite a lot of cards.

But wait there's more! Special shoutout to Mentor of the Meek, who can let us draw an insane amount of cards for just one mana a creature.

Removing and Ramping

Merciless Eviction -Lets up exile troubled permanents or board-states.

Toxic Deluge -Given the amount of life we can gain in this deck, this was a no brainer.

Necrotic Sliver -A creature that can double as a Vindicate. I use this one due to my ability to constantly reoccur it through various means.

Return to Dust, Anguished Unmaking, War Priest of Thune, and Utter End Is a one shot removal package.

Mana Vault, Sol Ring, and Orzhov Signet Is our artifact, ramp package.

Ashnod's Altar + Phyrexian Altar lets us ramp like crazy and provides us a sacrifice outlet.

Token Producers

The bread and butter of the deck. These help us combo off and enable a lot of our synergy. Arguably these are the most important cards in this entire deck, so I pick them with extreme care.

Bitterblossom -A nice continuous source of token generation.

Ophiomancer -One of the best token producers. Have a sac outlet like Viscera Seer and Teysa on board; you get to scry twice every player's turn.

Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder -With the amount of sacking my deck can do, Endrek can offer an unlimited supply of creatures.

Hallowed Spiritkeeper - I was skeptical about this guy for sometime, but his late game value is undeniable. I wouldn't recommend dropping him unless you have five or more tokens guaranteed on his death.

Marsh Flitter -Three creatures for a relatively cheap price!

Sengir Autocrat -What's better than three creatures for a single card? Four creatures for a single card!

Anointed Procession - Despite being a bit higher on our mana curve, Anointed Procession can have devistating effects and allows us to combo off without Teysa.

Notable Utilities

Thoughtpicker Witch -Acting as both a sac outlet and a way to remove troublesome Mystical Tutor or Vampiric Tutor cards. Can also go infinite and exile entire decks, but that requires a more built up board state.

Faith's Reward, Ogre Slumlord and Spirit Bonds act as fantastic wrath protection.

Sadistic Hypnotist -Another sac outlet for our creatures with the added benefit of taking apart opponents hands. A control player's nightmare card.

Smokestack - While it may not always give a dramatic impact, there are games where it just cripples players beyond repair.

Vampire Hexmage - This is more a personal prefernece. Dealing with Planeswalkers can be tricky given the low attack power of our creatures. Hexmage simply ensures a way to remove a troublesome Planeswalker or other card from the battlefield. Hexmage can be subsititued for a number of utlity cards based off your own needs.

Thank you for taking the time to look over my deck. I really appreciate any comments, constructive criticism, or thoughts.


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