TappedOut legendary brewer Balaam__ returned my favor of issuing him an unsolicited brewing challenge by issuing me with the following. I can't really blame him. You know what they say - One good turn is a twist of the screw... er... I don't think that's quite right... anyway:
"Alright, your card is…drumroll… Reality Twist. I would also accept a build revolving around Naked Singularity because it’s essentially the same thing.
Ground rules are: Nothing illegal/restricted (i.e. no ‘Un’ set cards), and the card must be actually played/used.
This card has vanquished me on every attempt.
“Avenge my wasted death…”
turns to ash, blows away in wind"
TL/DR: Reality Twist locks out opponent's basic lands, Back to Basics takes away opponent's non-basic lands, Eon Hub gets us around paying Cumulative Upkeep, Cyclonic Rift bounces all opponent's non-land permanents back to their hands. Opponents are left with basically nothing. Then we bludgeon them with our beatstick, Phyrexian Soulgorger.
And here's the deck I built. I realized Reality Twist favors blue, but the Cumulative Upkeep is just brutal. So the first order of business was to dispense with that unrealistic payment. At first I thought I might use an infinite mana combo, but I didn't really like that because infinite mana kinda of makes non-wincon spells superfluous. That's when I found Eon Hub, which while it's MV is a bit steep, it at least doesn't take up as much space as a combo and itself affords a bit of abuse that becomes a workable theme. That sets us up for a mono-blue control deck that works to delay opponents until we can cast Eon Hub and permanently lock them out.
Blue is not a color I play a lot of, and control is a archetype I generally avoid. And legacy is not my format of choice. So go easy on me, but let me know in the comments how you think I did. And of course, feel free to suggest updates/upgrades to get the deck working better.
Control Package:
- Illusionary Terrain - This is crucial if our opponent happens to be playing mono-blue, but can also help us if they're playing multiple colors that are only swapped by Reality Twist
- Other classic sideboard spells that need to no explanation.
"Please sir, I want some more" - Oliver Twist