A Fun take on the Traditional Hate-bears or Death and Taxes deck, this variant is built with many enter the battlefield synergies in mind. With Flickerwisp, Eldrazi Displacer, and Restoration Angel, synergizing well with Blade Splicer, Eternal Witness, and Kitchen Finks, the engine is quite strong. You can easily establish a rather wide board with Golem and Elemental Tokens, while disrupting your opponent on their mana with Taxing effects like Leonin Arbiter, and Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. The inclusion of Aether Vial allows us to Cheat on Mana whilst sacrificing lands like Ghost Quarter and Field of Ruin that let us decimate annoying lands and putting a choke on our opponents mana with the help of Arbiter. A new all-star of this deck is Shalai, Voice of Plenty, which helps our other creatures survive, and helps to strengthen our army of creatures.
As for the Sideboard, Blessed Alliance helps out against fringe decks like Infect, Bogles, and Through the breach lists. It can also become helpful for taking down burn, or annoying threats like Death's Shadow, Hollow One, or Reality Smashers. Next is card:Dampening Sphere, another good Dominaria card. it comes in against Tron, one of the tougher matchups for this deck, and Storm and Cheerios lists. Eidolon of Rhetoric serves a similar purpose, coming in against Combo decks like Storm, Ad Naus, Living Death, Grishoalbrand, but it can also help against Death's Shadow, Jeskai, and Jund decks, making them carefully think about every play. Our artifact and Enchantment destruction is in the form of Reclamation Sage, working well with our Flicker synergies. Comes in against Affinity, Lantern, Bogles, and other decks where we need naturalize on a stick. Rest in Peace helps against graveyard decks, Dredge, Hollow One, Storm, Reanimator, and decks that run Goyf and Snapcaster Mage.
Settle the Wreckage
helps against a slew of "Go-Wide" decks like Humans, Merfolk, Elves, Hollow One, and other Midrange annoying lists. Stony Silence helps similarly to Rec Sage, but is more of a siler bullet to Affinity, Lantern, Tron, and KCI. Lastly is a one-of Thragtusk to hlep against, Jund, Burn, Tron, the mirror Match. It will probably be replaced by another Kitchen Finks later.
That is it for the in-depth desription, I hope you find it fun to play and if you have any comments, questions or suggestions make sure to leave them below, and If you really like this deck, leave an upvote. Thank you!