
Twin was banned in, what, 2015/2016? We all wept that day, and we all tried to make Kiki-Jiki combo a thing. Did it work? Well, if you tried hard enough and where okay with a clunky low win-rate deck than sure, it "worked". But it was nothing like twin.

Fastforward 3 years and we're in the era of powerful UW(X) tap-out control strategies. Wizards has blessed us with an array of powerful control cards leaning towards UW control. One might think that this shift may produce a shell more condusive to supporting the kiki-jiki combo, and well, it would appear that with the release of the new Teferi, Fact or Fiction and Old Pyromancer we may have gotten there!

Teferi is a powerhouse by itself - hosing control decks, disrupting instant speed combos, and nullifying sneaking removal. A powerful turn 3 play, teferi creates an environment for you to more practically deal with threats to your combo.

Fact or Fiction has always been a powerful card for card selection, and in a deck like this you can dig further for your combo pieces and refill a dead hand. One of the perceived disadvantages is that you may be forced to put some choice cards into your graveyard. Ideally.. you may see Kiki or Exarch in a pile and we are okay putting them in the graveyard! Why? Introducing...Reveillark! A fantastic beater and recursion effect on a stick. Beyond simple synergies with snapcaster, we are able to trick our opponent into a false sense of security with Kiki/Exarch in your graveyard and than recur them with Reveillark for the win. Obviously we can just win with convential casting, but having this secondary strategy is true resilience..especially in the face of improved removal and discard strategies. Even better..discard our combo peices to Old Pyro to draw 2 cards and get two 1/1 elementals!..and lets not forget that our buddy Teferi also allows us to bounce Reveillark to our hand as a means of triggering it's ability.

These complementary interactions in a shell with powerful UW control cards, bolt, paths, and wraths we are ready to conquer the meta.


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Revision 1 See all

(5 years ago)

-1 Cryptic Command *list* main
+1 Dispel main
-1 Dovin's Veto main
+1 Electrolyze main
+1 Fact or Fiction main
+1 Lightning Bolt main
-1 Path to Exile main
-1 Remand main
+1 Spell Snare main
-1 Unsubstantiate main
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 3 Mythic Rares

31 - 4 Rares

19 - 7 Uncommons

1 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.65
Tokens Copy Clone, Elemental 1/1 R, Soldier 1/1 W
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