This is my "Politically Correct" Token deck. No racism here folks! We got angels, we got humans, hell, we even have zombies!!!!! Take your pick!!!
So the Idea was to make a 3 color token deck that didn't rely completely on the populate ability. There are some populate effects but that's not necessarily the most powerful part of the deck. It makes use of some of the best token creating spells, like all-star player Lingering Souls, a personal favorite Midnight Haunting (INSTANT TOKENS!), Gather the Townsfolk, and Moan of the Unhallowed. Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, and Garruk Relentless
both make powerful tokens and Sorin, Lord of Innistrad's -2 ability can make a token army pretty lethal later down the road. garruk veil cursed makes wolves with deathtouch which are great for problematic creatures. Doomed Traveler is a card I love simply because hes cheap, and your opponents may not like killing him. Especially with a Parallel Lives out. Druid's Deliverance allows you to not waste your tokens blocking while also making more tokens. And Rootborn Defenses allows you to utilize your tokens to block however you like and keep them alive, while also making more tokens.
Now for my favorite part, the lands. I made great use (I think) of the utility lands in that they all benefit you in pretty much every situation. If you don't need one, another may be just what you need. Gavony Township is, needless to say, stupid good with a token army. Giving 5+ creatures +1/+1 on top of any other buffs automatically makes the board state shift in your favor. grim backwood I would say is the weak link here. Unfortunately it doesn't change the board state too much, but since you have so many creatures, sacrificing one to draw a card isn't a big deal. Especially in a pinch. Vault of the Archangel is also insane with a token army. Giving them all lifelink and deathtouch pretty much seals a board wipe, or a bunch of damage getting through, and either way, you get to gain lots of life back!!! Couple it with Rootborn Defenses and your opponent gets sad fast. And lastly,
Grove of the Guardian
. Oh how I love thee. 5 mana and 2 tapped creatures is a small price to pay for an 8/8 creature with vigilance. Put a Parallel Lives in the mix, and you have yourself a nice problem for your opponent to deal with.
And last but certainly not least are the 2 big game enders. Entreat the Angels is an obvious win-con. Draw it turn 7 and you can miracle that som-bitch for a hefty 4 4/4 angels. That's not something your opponent ever wants to see. The other game changer is Collective Blessing. While Sorin's +1/+0 emblem is nice early, late game, you need a little more bang for your buck. Once you hit turn 6, your little token army becomes considerably more dangerous. While it doesn't give trample like I wish it did, +3/+3 to a whole mess of creatures is a great way to bring about the end. With this deck you can pretty safely just beat your opponent down every turn until they finally fall under the power of your awesome, mixed-race token army!!!!!!!
Please let me know what you guys think of this deck. I'm personally very happy with how it turned out and I'd love some feedback from my favorite community of magic players!
Note: Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage and
Safe Passage
are curently placeholders for Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Garruk Relentless
, and Entreat the Angels.
The sideboard is not complete, just a bunch of cards i had lying around that fit the theme. I definitely need some help getting that fixed up. I do however like Beckon Apparition just due to my current playgroup, so I think that'll stay.