Tempo faerie control, black splash for relevant removal.
Play creatures that draw you cards or have a tacked on abilities to win through incremental advantages and nullifying opposing threats.
The creatures play out on curve. Ideally getting a Faerie Miscreant or Spellstutter Sprite in your opening hand (preferably both!). This allows you get pressure on the board early, and in some cases even counter a 1/2 drop with the 'Sprite.Ninja of the Deep Hours can put a 'Sprite back in your hand to counter something again, or will often get in on turn 2 from a Miscreant.Pestermite should give you a tempo advantage, tapping down blockers, untapping a land to make it a 2 mana flash flier, or tapping down their land.Latchkey Faerie Should always be played with its prowl unless you really need a body. This is one of your main beaters don't trade it off where you don't need to and protect it where possible.Wretched Gryff Emerge this on Turn 3 from a Ninja, for best case scenario plays, or its always good to bring this in off of a Pestermite after combat. A good trick if you have 4 mana is, attack with the Gryff, Ninjitsu the Ninja to return the Gryff, then Emerge the Gryff to draw yet another card.Late in the game you have the option to cast this without emerging.
Mana Leak and Counterspell are your permission spells. You want to target immediate threats, or effects you can't deal with later by other means. Vapor Snag Cheap and efficient removal, you between all of the countermagic and removal in the deck, use this to temporarily deal with creatures.Agony Warp While there are better less conditional kill spells in the format, the nature of the deck and the potential for an effective 2-for-1 on this card make it very effective. If you have a blocker, or a small attacker you can offer trades and then kill another creature who isn't involved in combat as well.Peppersmoke Draws a card, messes up combat maths, cheap and easy to hold up.