
Welcome to my

Phenax, Combo King deck!

There are multiple Infinite mill combos and an infinite damage combo as alternate win-con incase someone has a way to stop your mill.

If you choose not to go with the infinite combo, the pieces still play great individually. There are also a bunch of creatures with big butts that can mill more traditionaly.

Infinite Mill Combos:

  1. Sanguine Bond+Exquisite Blood
  2. Traumatize/Fleet Swallower+Keening Stone/Fraying Sanity
  3. Helm of Obedience+Leyline of the Void
  4. Mindcrank+Bloodchief Ascension
  5. Grindclock/Codex Shredder+Illusionist's Bracers+Fatestitcher/Aphetto Alchemist/Tidewater Minion
  6. Tunnel Vision+Spell Crumple/Hinder/Spin into Myth
  7. Eater of the Dead+Illusionist's Bracers+Fatestitcher/Aphetto Alchemist/Tidewater Minion

Infinite Damage Combo:

  1. Prodigal Sorcerer/Endbringer+Illusionist's Bracers+Fatestitcher/Aphetto Alchemist/Tidewater Minion

Non-Infinite Mill Combos:

  1. King Macar, the Gold-Cursed+Fatestitcher/Aphetto Alchemist/Tidewater Minion
  2. Phenax, God of Deception+Eater of the Dead

Ways to assemble your combos:

  1. Academy Ruins
  2. Buried Ruin
  3. Demonic Tutor
  4. Diabolic Tutor
  5. Drift of Phantasms
  6. Inventors' Fair
  7. Mystical Tutor
  8. Vampiric Tutor

Any/all suggestions are welcome! If you like the deck or want to help make it the best Phenax deck out there please feel free to drop a comment, suggestion or a +1. Thanks!


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99% Casual


Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.56
Tokens Copy Clone, Faerie Rogue 1/1 UB, Gold, Human 2/2 G, Morph 2/2 C, Wolf 2/2 G, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders phenax mill pieces, Commander, mill
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