I've scoured the Internet for a Phenax Self-Mill deck, and nothing I've found has ever been more focused on playing combos out from the graveyard than this brew (though marsteralex's Phenax Dredge is probably the closest). Inspired by the lovely people over at CommanderTheory, this deck's conception first began soon after they published this article. The person who submitted the decklist to CommanderTheory in that article (which I aforementioned in my initial parenthetical) didn't really take the advice to heart, seeing that his decklist has been left unaltered since his submission, so I decided to make one in his stead, so I present to you my Phenax Dredge Combo deck!

I've been playing this deck for more than a year now, and it has been one of the most fun yet challenging decks to pilot. While milling out opponents is completely viable and often Plan A, the real fun starts when you mill yourself and your graveyard becomes your second hand.

Here are the combos to mill your opponents (or yourself):

Here are the combos to mill just yourself (for Laboratory Maniac reasons):

Here are the combos just to be rude:

The rest of the deck is full of spells that can play out of the graveyard, from Flashback spells to Unearth creatures. Throw in some Delve spells to make use of all that fodder you're chucking into your 'yard, and some cards that recur other cards from the graveyard (you gotta grab your Laboratory Maniac before it's gone for good!), fill in the rest of the gaps with some ramp, fatties, and control, and you're good to go!

With so many angles of mill and so many different combos, this deck hasn't gotten boring quite yet. One thing's for sure: you have to really know how to pilot this deck, or you will get lost in the sequencing. The deck tends to be very mana-intensive, so choose your plays wisely! Any suggestions are appreciated!

I wrote more on this deck here at The Burnished Hart.


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