This deck is 100% rotation friendly with the exception of sideboard enchantment removal that will be replaced with "Battle For Zendikar" and elvish mystic with I'm just fine with losing because so will every other deck and I will still have
Gnarlroot Trapper
Also will most likely be playing Temple of Malady Which I'm sure will be replaced and if not then good old bless lands.
Now as far as the main line with deck I'm not quite sure and would love some feed back. Right now the lines seem to be:Curve out and beat down, with Nissa, Vastwood Seer
to finish out as well as Shaman of the Pack
Another line is going super heavy on using Shaman of the Pack to win and possibly playing (but I am shying away from it since it is rotating but may play it for the next three months)Whip of Erebos. I saw a deck list by "selith69" That included two copies of
Rally the Ancestors
to bring back the whole team for 5 or 6 mana and deal an insane amount of damage with Shaman of the Pack which brought joy to my heart.
If anyone has a different idea on which way to go with the deck or which way is best I would like to know! Also would appreciate some honest feed back on the
Rally the Ancestors
combo, maybe not MB but dedicate the majority of the sideboard to it...
Infinite Obliteration
For control match ups as well as Atartka match ups. I was listening to "The Magic Show" set review and Standard All-star Brad Nelson was explaining that if you just name Dragonlord Ojutai against esper dragons they have 1 maybe two silumgars left to kill you and that's it. If you can name both then you just auto win.Also Dragonlord Atarka is insanely hard to deal with for this deck and the best option just may be
Infinite Obliteration
Foul-Tongue Invocation For when you need it, Hopefully there will be a new but slightly worse(cards real annoying) Hero's Downfall printed in the upcoming sets.
Evolutionary Leap Provides an insane amount of nutrition which is so important right now in standard it! I have one in the MB right now but I might bump it up to two. It is good against most aggro decks since there are mana producers in my deck I can afford to leave one mana up an still curve out. It is superb against control since the only thing they have to get rid of it is Perilous Vault and it you never run out of gas as long as you don't over extend your board.
Hopefully Battle For Zendikar supplies this deck with one or two more cards, more lands and freaking land-fall cards! woot! woot!
Please Please Please Provide Feedback, remember this deck is always in progress so every suggestion helps. P.S. ignore the lands I'm going to deal with those last haha