Creating a mono white lifegain aggro deck with the new Theros spoilers. Started off as a mono white deck utilizing Path of Bravery and Fiendslayer Paladin, hopefully with some of the new toys it will be a little bit better. So drink up because if you gain what you lose then your not really losing at all now are you?
Hopeful Eidolon- Honestly this is the soul of the deck because this is the guy to build onto. Turn two ethereal armor and this guy is 3/3 lifelink first strike. Not too shabby, and he gets better over time. He has not gotten much love but maybe we can change that.
Soldier of the Pantheon- Good 1cmc with two useful abilities in this deck, protection is good because he will be able to run through problems such as Fleecemane Lion and Voice of Resurgence Boros Reckoner etc.
Imposing Sovereign
- It is basically Blind Obedience on a guy, some people like blind obedince better but I prefer having a body as this is a weenie deck.
Fiendslayer Paladin
- Very good creature and one of my favorite in the deck. His protection is relevant enough to be main boarded and his lifelink has synergy with the deck itself.
Frontline Medic- It was this guy or Boros Reckoner. I am not sure if this guy is the better choice but I like his built in protection and I know I am terrified of Sphinx's Revelation.
Archangel of Thune- This card is just amazing, I was a naysayer of this card for a long time but it always does work once it hits the field. She is as beautiful as she is terrifying and she gets the job done when she sticks.
Ethereal Armor- This is your main enchantment, this is what you want to be putting on your Hopeful Eidolon. This card has proven itself and should not need much explanation
Divine Favor
- This enchantment is sort of weak, and it is competing with Ordeal of Heliod. I do however like the immediate results of +1 +3 and 3 life which will trigger archangel.
Pacifism- A card that should not need much explanation. We are mono white and we have to get guys out of the way, this and Arrest are our options.
Path of Bravery- One of my personal favorite cards in the deck but a card that no one seems to agree with me on. It is an anthem with a built in mechanic to ensure it stays an anthem.
Spear of Heliod- I like this card and would include more if it was not for the legendary rule. Probably will stay at 1 or 2.
Brave the Elements- Protect your guys from target removal. The most use it gets though is too provide an opening for all your troops to get through.
Rootborn Defenses- As awesome as brave the elements is, it does not save you from Supreme Verdict which will completely lose the game for you if not stopped so this card is a must.
Angelic Accord- It feels like this card should be in the deck with all the lifegain shenanigans but it is strangely positioned and seems to only trigger while I am ahead anyway. It needs more testing.
Boros Reckoner- Just an awesome creature but feels a little too aggressive for this deck and I have no cool combos too perform with him in here. For now frontline medic will take his place.
Heliod, God of the Sun
Heliod's Emissary
Observant Alseid
- I like all of these guys because they pump up each other and Ethereal Armor. However they all feel slightly lackluster and I cannot see a reason to include them unless someone else has a good opinion on them.