This is a combo deck that makes use of 3 infinite combos. Infinite mana, infinite spells, and infinite turns.
First is the well known infinite mana combo (that Alexander Hayne in PT JOU used):(
Thassa's Ire
+ heavy mana (5 or more) producing land such as Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx or a land with multiple Market Festival, + a creature with the ability to untap a land such as Kiora's Follower or
Voyaging Satyr
) to potentially cast Enter the Infinite (ETI) which basicaly instantly wins you the game.
Note, once infinite mana is achieved, you should be safe, as all of your opponent's non-hexproof creatures are forever tapped down by
Thassa's Ire
It's main deck win condition is when you get 4 copies of Biovisionary into play with the help of copy/clone spell effect from Fated Infatuation. If ETI resolves, then the Biovisionary win condition should automatically occur (unless all of your Fated Infatuations & at least 1 Biovisionary got exiled somehow).
Now one problem of casting ETI and drawing your entire library is the looming possibility of losing the game by decking yourself. Unravel the Aether can act as a temporary answer to a delay the problem, but Bow of Nylea sets up the second infinite combo: infinite spells. Bow of Nylea can put 4 cards from your graveyard into the bottom of your library. In fact, by repeatedly replacing the ETI you just cast into your library, your 2nd copy of Bow of Nylea, and 2 other cards of your choice, your library provides an infinite number of spells,
The reason casting ETI when you have infinite mana automatically wins you the game is because you just cast all your Biovisionary(s) and Fated Infatuations onto your Biovisionary(s), which should give you the 4th winning iteration. If that isn't enough (because some may have died & gone into your graveyard), then you can put Fated Infatuations back into your library with Bow of Nylea, cast your 2nd ETI to draw them again, and then resolve the victory.
If your opponent has combo breaker cards like Slaughter Games, then the sideboard has more counterspells and/or an alternate, more conventional win condition where Polukranos, World Eater can come in. Oh, also don't forget that Infinite mana + polukranos = one sided board wipe/wrath.
Last, but not (necessarily) least, infinite turns can be achieved with infinite mana + Sage of Hours +
This deck can be somewhat modular in what type of infinite combo you want to focus on; infinite spells for Biovisionary victory, or infinite turns for Worldspine Wurm beats. The lynchpin is achieving infinite mana, which you can sometimes achieve after you cast ETI.
-Hand disruption (e.g. thoughtseize, brain maggot)
-Combo breaker hate cards (e.g. slaughter games)
-Any instant spell/effect that can cause you to draw 2 cards after you cast ETI can kill you.
-Counterspells (if they are well timed & used wisely, as you have many pieces that deserve being countered)
SIDE NOTE:Once you have
Thassa's Ire
, a creature that can untap a land, ETI & 7 permanent mana sources + 5 temporary mana in your pool from Kruphix, God of Horizons, you can go off. You just have to survive to untap on your next turn to reach victory.