Hi all! This is a really wacky deck idea I had built around
Etrata, the Silencer
as an alternate win condition. The idea is to hit the opponent with Etrata, and then blink/bounce her with stuff like
Release to the Wind
Unexplained Disappearance
. Etrata can also be sacrificed with a kicked
Vicious Offering
, and then being copied by
Lazav, the Multifarious
. Also, Lazav keeps his name when copying something in the graveyard, so I could have a Lazav copying Etrata, and another Etrata at the same time, because the Legend rule doesn't apply (shoutout to the first comment for that interaction! :D)
And that's pretty much its core! The rest of the deck is built to protect that, controling the board with counters and removal, and filtering through the deck with cantrips and
Search for Azcanta
. A good way to not be overwhelmed by aggro is
Thoughtbound Phantasm
which grows with all the surveil in the deck.
Unfortunately, I'll eventually some control decks, and that means, not very many creatures. The plan B of the deck is a bit weak but since both Lazav and Etrata are legendary and she is unblockable, I also have
Blackblade Reforged
mainboard, plus another in the sideboard. Alternatively I could also turn the Phantasms sideways and win that way. After some feedback I also added
Thief of Sanity
to the sideboard, and some more interaction for the control matchups.
Finally, the search for Azcanta in the sideboard is there for budgetary purposes. I used to have it mainboard, but since this deck has so much Surveil, I'm not sure it actually does more than
Enhanced Surveillance
which is weird!
So, what's your thoughts on the deck? Love it? Hate it? This would be the first control deck I would play. Which means that any comment, suggestion or direction to go is more than welcome!