Favored Hoplite
: This card is awesome to have early game (turn 1) as it hard to kill cause of the heroic ability and cause it can quickly become a huge beater. An awesome card in the burn or control matchup.
Monastery Swiftspear: Amazing turn one card! It is the most aggressive card in the deck and can easily allow a turn 3 win. The haste also makes it a viable 1 drop late game so that you can play it and swing and then pump before your opponent has time to react with any sorceries.Very good in the control matchup as it is so aggresive.
Seeker of the Way
: This card is definitely the best turn 2, it has prowess allowing it to become huge very fast, and has the added advantage of gaining me life. Very good in any aggro matchup if I can keep it alive.
Mage-Ring Bully
: This creature is definitely the worst in the deck, and therefore I use it as a turn 2 distraction so that they waste kill spells on it, if untouched however, it could quickly become the demise of your opponent. This creature is usually meant to eat kill spells. Good in the control matchup or burn matchup.
Gods Willing: This usfull spell definitely deserves a spot in the deck because it protects my wincons from being killed and therefore secures me the game. This awesome spell can also be used to give a one turn unblokable that could also win me the game.
valorouse stance: This spell has an amazing multi-usage that makes it usful in almost any matchup. It can kill creatures or save my creatures from death! Amazing card for the abzan matchup.
Wild Slash
: This is just a simply amazing burn spell 1for 2 is a good ratio in standard right now it can kill early game threats like Goblin Rabblemaster and can be used to finish off your opponent if they are at low life and have secured the board.Good against any aggro or control deck. (Control-for once they have locked the board and 1-2 damage still needs to go through)
Magma Jet: Same as
Wild Slash
it deals two damage, but for one extra mana it has the added benifit of letting you scry 2 and improve your next draws. This is the best burn spell in the deck because of the scry, seeing as how the deck is very fragile it needs the extra scry. Good against any aggro or control deck. (Control-for once they have locked the board and 1-2 damage still needs to go through)
Lightning Strike: Just a different burn spell variant. 2 for 3 is good as a kill spell and a finisher. Good against any aggro or control deck. (Control-for once they have locked the board and 1-3 damage still needs to go through)
Titan's Strength: this spell is usually one of the most aggresive in the deck as it is a 1 mana for 4 extra damage plus a scry. Amazing card comboed with Temur Battle Rage for an extra 10 damage cause of prowess/heroic. Overall an amazingly aggressive card.
Temur Battle Rage: This spell is the finisher, whether it is the doublestrike for the extra damage, or the trample to get damage through this card will almost always win games. Overall amazingly aggressive an card.
Infectious Bloodlust
: This card is a real game changer in a grindy matchup. It can win games with both card advantage and the reoccurring hasty creatures. Good in any grinding matchup.