60 card Rakdos deck built around Master of Cruelties.
Use cheap and heavy aggro creatures in the beginning if needed with help from
Madcap Skills
Turn 1: Drop a land. Cast
Rakdos Cackler
and unleash for 2/2 body (with summoning sickness unfortunately). Pass turn.
Turn 2: Drop either or . Ideally have mad cap skills to cast for 1R, then swing for up to 5 with what is likely unblocked damage. Other option is casting, cast
Ash Zealot
Spike Jester
, or
Rakdos Shred-Freak
(in that preferred order). They swing for 2-3 damage. So opponent may possibly be taking 5 damage.
Turn 3: Any land drop. Cast another creature or cast another another Mad Cap Skills. Possibly hit opponent with another 5 + 2-3 damage, putting their total at 7.
Turn 4: Land drop. Creatures can possibly be swinging for lethal now. Cast another creature if you have one. Still have room to use Dreadbore for removal, or Lightning Bolt to remove a creature in the way or finish them off.
Game over
If the game should drag on, Master of Cruelties is there to apply pressure and offer a devious win-con. In conjunction with Rogue's Passage, MoC can swing unblocked by turn 6 and put opponent down to 1. Then cast our burn spell, Firebolt, from either our hand or flashbacking from the graveyard to ping opponent directly and finish them off.
Other creatures: Mogis, God of Slaughter. A 4 drop that puts in work no matter what by turn 4. He's either pinging them for 2 every turn, or forcing them to sac a creature. If the devotion is present, then he's an indestructible beefy dude swinging for 7. One of the best gods, IMO.