

Deck looks a little all over the place, but seems functional.

All the standard bans were cards that crippled ramp strategies. Now that they're heading out, we have several cards that can shine, even in the face of Fatal Push, whose presence will undoubtedly shape the Standard format.

-Ruin in their Wake, a 4 of replacement for mana dorks that will inevitably die. This card is shit if you can't get a Waste on the board by T2, so the low end spells (normally harness lightning) are changing to Spatial Contortion/Warping Wail to accommodate. If you have a forest and a waste to cast this, grab a Mountain 9 times out of 10. Note: Warping Wail shutdowns the new Felidar combo.

-Rishkar's Expertise, this is what ramp needed to survive in standard. Without Explosive Growth and Nissa's Pilgrimage, we are going to need more cards to throw down while we ramp. We run 8 durable 5 drops (Reality Smasher and Verdurous Gearhulk) to set the curve (normally on T4), followed by a hand reloading Rishkar's Expertise, which will very likely pull us another 5 drop and possibly another Expertise.

-Reality Smasher/Verdurous Gearhulk, these 5 drops are stupid strong, and if you have a dork to share Gearhulk's counters with, each of these cards will take atleast 2 cards to delete.

-Worldbreaker, tangos with the largest of fliers and refuses to stay in the graveyard late game. Only creature worth running that you can't drop with Expertise. Any more 6+ CMC creatures and you risk clogging your engine and not hitting something to recover tempo.

-Hedron Archive, the reason it is NOT in this deck is that it's only good when dropped on curve. If you pull it late instead of a beater, you get to tap 6 lands as you turn it into 2 cards. Waste of a turn. So what else is 4 CMC, let's you ramp 2, and contributes to the board on any turn? Chandra, that's who. In this deck, she's a Hedron Archive that can Flame Slash. There are very few red sources in this deck, but between Oath of Nissa and Ruin in their Wake, you should be able to get her on the field most times. Also, you can totally drop her with Rishkar's Expertise in a pinch. Looks like we aren't running any artifacts, so anyone who maindecks that kind of removal is shit out of luck against us.

-Rishkar, Peema Renegade, is a bit of an experiment. We have lots of opportunities for counters, and he rewards us with green mana. I'm open to better suggestions for this slot. Another fun but rare interaction is using him to put a counter on Druid of the Cowl, then Spatial Contortioning the Druid into a surprise 5/1 blocker

Combos:Rishkar's Expertise + Spatial Contortion can net you 3 more cards if your hand if you really need the gas.Reality Smasher + Rishkar's Expertise is more card advantage than 6 lands should affordNahiri's Wrath + Rishkar's Expertise may be a very potent board clear for this deck, if you can get a big guy to stick. Would also let you chain cast Rishkar's and put your draws to good use.

I need suggestions for sideboard and any optimization mainboard.


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Revision 10 See all

(8 years ago)

-3 Creeping Mold main
+4 Fiery Temper main
-1 Rolling Thunder main
-4 Shock main
+3 Sin Prodder main
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 7 Mythic Rares

7 - 1 Rares

9 - 1 Uncommons

14 - 5 Commons

Cards 57
Avg. CMC 3.53
Tokens Copy Clone
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