
note: trimmed out the farm elements from this for more of a focus on reanimator and thief - moved here

blending turbo farm, opus thief & razakats elements to make the most of the new hot pepper picante spice underworld breach.

i'm thinking this mix gives us a good home for breach in particular since

  1. we naturally run the combo cards - wheel of fortune, smothering tithe, lion's eye diamond, consult stuff
  2. in cahoots with dockside, breach can do a pretty good impression of life // death from traditional razaketh lists to enable low boardstate and mana investment raz wins with just a few cards available in your graveyard to escape.
  3. the reanimator elements encourage us further to fill the yard with wheels, loot effects and entomb, as well as giving LED more relevance
  4. and the turbo farm style of tymna whackers let's us both fall back on tymna draws if your early line gets interrupted and have dweebs available to sac to razaketh.

there are a bajillion raz lines you can take in game depending on the life you have available, leftover mana, whether or not you care about discarding your hand to LED, # of creatures on your board, # of cards in your graveyard, # or artifacts enchantments opponents have in play etc etc but here are a few. they're not 100% linear steps, as things change depending on the stuff described above where you won't need certain steps or can replace a whole cycle of escaping dockside with just playing and saccing a commander if you have the mana. i'm sure there are plenty more creative and better ones out there and id love to know if you can see them.

0 mana 2 creature razabreach:

Minimum requirements: 8 life + 2 creatures on board + dockside making 3 treasures + 3 (minus the number of lands you have in play above 2) exilable cards in graveyard and hand

  • sac for LED - 2 life
  • crack for
  • sac for dockside - 4 life
  • play dockside - & 3 treasures left
  • (optional step) sac dockside for cloud of faeries. this just reduces the # of cards needed to exile by 1 by being a free card that continues the tutor chain, at the cost of 2 extra life
  • (optional step) play cloud of faeries - 2 treasures & 2 untapped lands
  • sac dockside / cloud of faeries for breach - 6 / 8 life
  • play breach - 2 treasures left
  • escape dockside - 1 / 0 card exiled (you can cover all 3 of the cards required for escape, 1 being cloud of faeries if you added those steps, 2 being the creatures you sacced to tutor. if you were saccing your commanders to tutor, you will have let them go to your graveyard and can escape them here, replacing it with putting them back in the command zone), 3 treasures left
  • (optional step) sac dockside for rain of filth. this just nets mana + cards in graveyard for the next escape at the cost of 2 life and saccing your lands) - 8 / 10 life
  • (optional step) play rain of filth saccing 2 lands for example - & 2 treasures
  • (optional step) escape dockside - 1 / 0 cards exiled (depending on whether you followed the cloud of faeries steps this will be either 1 used or 0 used. in the example we sacced 2 lands so those plus rain of filth cover the 3 requirement and you're now positive. however, saccing more lands scales this to net more mana and exilable cards for future escapes) - & 4 treasures left
  • sac dockside for WOF - 8 / 10 / 12 life
  • play WOF - 2+ treasures left
  • escape LED - 4 / 3 / 3- cards exiled (4 if you didn't do the cloud or the filth steps, 3 if you did cloud, 3 of less of you did both depending on land sac #)
  • crack it for discarding the 7 you drew
  • escape WOF - exile 3 of the 7 you just discarded. 2+ treasures left
  • keep escaping LED and WOF. each cycle requires 6 cards to exile so we net 1.
  • keep wheeling into more ritual mana, rocks, jace / oracle / tutor for them
  • at some point escape LED an additional time and crack for for jace / oracle
  • cast them
  • win - adding consult / tainted pact if necessary

1 creature razabreach:

Minimum requirements: mana + 8 / 10 / 12 life + 1 creature on board + dockside making 4 treasures + 4 (minus the number of lands you have in play above 2 - and minus a further 3 if you have at least 3 lands and can cast a commander for 5 cmc) exilable card in graveyard or hand

note: that was exhausting writing out life cost / resource availability / optional step info in the previous line - refer to that for a guide as i'm skipping it this time

  • sac for dockside
  • play
  • (optional step) sac dockside for cloud of faeries
  • (optional step) play cloud of faeries
  • sac dockside / cloud of faeries for breach
  • play breach
  • escape dockside
  • (optional step) sac dockside for rain of filth
  • (optional step) play rain of filth lands
  • (optional step) escape dockside - BB & 6 treasures
  • sac dockside for LED
  • (optional step) play tymna or kraum (5 mana available here for a commander cast if you followed the rain of filth steps and sacced 3 lands, leaving you with the 3 required treasures to cast WOF in the following step, otherwise escape dockside an additional time)
  • sac dockside / commander for WOF
  • play LED
  • play WOF
  • crack for
  • escape WOF
  • keep escaping LED and WOF. each cycle requires 6 cards to exile so we net 1.
  • keep wheeling into more ritual mana, rocks, jace / oracle / tutor for them
  • at some point escape LED an additional time and crack for for jace / oracle
  • cast them
  • win - adding consult / tainted pact if necessary

the above stuff assumes a very low dockside treasure threshhold. there is almost no scenario in a cedh 4 player pod where he doesn't make at least 3, it's more likely 5 to 6, making everything a shitload easier.

a big lever you have is exilable cards - these lines are pushed as hard as i can think of to reduce it as low as possible for explosive early raz wins, but if you have say 6-8 cards laying around in there when you start your breach storm turn everything will be way easier as you can just recast something like dockside an extra time or two for more mana / tutors.

with an extra W mana and raz activation, play Silence / Grand Abolisher early whenever possible as you're going to be discarding your hand + refilling opponents hands with possible interaction and probably saccing your lands.


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95% Competitive

Revision 17 See all

(5 years ago)

+1 Grim Monolith main
Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

54 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.79
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure
Folders cEDH
Ignored suggestions
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