

If we don't have a combo piece in hand with a tutor already we should ideally search for Eldritch Evolution so we can evolve Tasigur into Razaketh or find and resolve Ad Nauseam when we think we can around control players. We can also Entomb Razaketh to Reanimate him or Jin-Gitaxias as our next best reanimation target.

The Razaketh-Oracle line:

(0 mana floating, 0 cards in hand, 2 other creature available):

1.Sacrifice 1 creature for LED (Floating: Nothing)

2.Crack LED for GGG (Floating: GGG)

3.Sacrifice another creature for Eternal Witness (Floating: GGG)

4.Cast Eternal Witness and get LED back into hand (Floating: Nothing)

5.Cast LED and crack it for BBB (Floating: BBB)

6.Sacrifice Eternal Witness for Animate Dead (Floating: BBB)

7.Cast Animate Dead and bring back Eternal Witness, which will also get LED back (Floating: B)

8.Cast LED and sac it for UUU (Floating: BUUU)

9.Sacrifice Eternal Witness for Thassa's Oracle and cast it (Floating: BU)

10.Let Thassa's Oracle enter the battlefield and respond by sacrificing Thassa's Oracle and finding Demonic Consultation / Tainted Pact


(G mana floating, 1 creature availible, 2 lands in play)

1.Sacrifice the Creature for Life / Death

2.Cast Life / Death making all your lands into creatures that can be sacrificed to Razaketh

3.Follow the steps above


The Razaketh-Scepter Line:

(G mana floating, 1 creature availible, 3 or more mana generated via non land sources and 2 or more lands in play to find other non land mana sources)

1.Sacrifice the Creature for Life / Death

2.Cast Life / Death making all your lands into creatures that can be sacrificed to Razaketh

3.Search for Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter with 3 or more mana potentially generated via non land sources. Can search for Mana Crypt, Mox Diamond, Mana Vault and Sol Ring to assist in mana generation and color fixing for little to no mana if you have enough land creatures to sac.

Win Cons:

Consultation lines are one of our faster win cons in the deck with Thassa's Oracle or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries. Tainted Pact can be used instead of Demonic Consultation to exile our library or grab an answer.

Or we get infinite mana with Dramatic Scepter.

With infinite mana we activate Tasigur enough times to put our entire non-land library into hand and loop Praetor's Grasp / Reality Shift until our opponents libraries are exiled to mill them out, or Thoracle / Jace ourselves for a win.

Dark Ritual, Culling the Weak and Sacrifice provide fast mana to crank out an Ad Nauseam quicker or hard cast Razaketh from our hand if we run them.


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 1 Mythic Rares

49 - 14 Rares

20 - 1 Uncommons

10 - 1 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.99
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone, Food, Orc Army, Treasure
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