Abzan Charm: Versatile card. Both the card draw and the removal are great.
Aegis of the Gods: Protects us. Manly against player targeted graveyard hate.
Agent of Erebos: Nice utility. Wins the recursion mirror match ups.
Ajani's Chosen: Really nice if you need chump blockers or creatures to sac.
Altar of Dementia: The best sac outlet in every recursion based deck.
Animate Dead: Easy and cheap recursion.
Argothian Enchantress: Cheapest Enchantress.
Athreos, God of Passage: Just here for the value. The return clause is mandatory. He can stop some combos so sac him before going off.
Auramancer: Enchantment recursion.
Auratog: Sac outlet for Enchantments. Can hit heavily with Rancor.
Bear Umbra: Plays like a 4 mana ritual. Can protect a creature too.
Bojuka Bog: The deck is B. Gotta play it.
Boonweaver Giant: Mostly goes for Pattern of Rebirth. Can fetch other needed auras too.
Burgeoning: Helps dumping the lands if you overdraw with enchantresses.
Carpet of Flowers: Sol Ring replacement. Cast pre-combat main phase to get mana post-combat.
Crop Rotation: Can save early game via Krosan Verge. Finds a sac outlet in a pinch. Wrecks graveyards with a well timed Bojuka Bog. Sac Riftstone Portal for maximum profit.
Daxos the Returned: Spawns enchantments at instant speed. Wins games with enough experience.
Dictate of Erebos: Grave Pact with flash. Keeps the board clear like nothing else.
Doomwake Giant: Repeatable one sided board wipe. Dispatches token decks consistently.
Eidolon of Blossoms: Best enchantress. Mandatory ETB trigger can kill you while comboing, so sac beforehand.
Eidolon of Rhetoric: Slows down early game. Stops pesky spellslinger decks. Sac during own turn and reanimate before you pass for huge tempo swings.
Erebos, God of the Dead: Best draw engine after the enchantresses. No life gain is a nice bonus.
Evolutionary Leap: Churns through the deck quickly. Budget replacement for Survival of the Fittest.
Extinguish All Hope: One sided board wipe.
Faith Healer: Sac outlet for enchantments. The life gain is great vs aggro decks.
Fallen Ideal: Sac outlet that protects itself. Enchant the commander for an easy voltron win.
Fate Unraveler: Hurts draw-go decks a lot. Tried Spirit of the Labyrinth before, but he stops enchantresses and sac/recur was too much of a hassle.
Femeref Enchantress: Reverse enchantress. Even triggers off opponents enchantments.
Fertile Ground: Signet replacement. Heliod's Pilgrim can get this early.
Fiend Hunter: Exiles forever with a sac outlet. Can flicker creatures for repeated ETBs. Used for combo wins.
Grasp of Fate: A nice 3 for 1.
Grim Guardian: Blood Artist replacement. Wins with enough Constellation triggers.
Heliod's Pilgrim: Can get ramp, recursion, sac outlet, creature tutor.
Heliod, God of the Sun: Instant speed chomp block enchantments. Vigilance as a bonus.
Herald of the Pantheon: Helps casting multiple enchantments per turn. Life gain is bonus.
Infernal Tribute: Sac anything for a card. is not a problem.
Karametra, God of Harvests: Just awsome ramp. Can find up to 15 lands.
Khalni Heart Expedition: Cheap ramp enchantment.
Kruphix's Insight: 3 mana draw 3 most of the time. Fills up the graveyard in any case. Pure value.
Leonin Relic-Warder: Exiles forever with a sac outlet. Can flicker enchantments for repeated Constellation. Used for combo wins.
Martyr's Cause: Sac outlet on an enchantment. Stops voltron decks.
Mesa Enchantress: Mono- Enchantress. I want Karador to bring back all enchantresses, so no Enchantress's Presence
Mind Slash: Utility sac outlet. Very strong vs combo and control decks.
Mirari's Wake: The deck starts to work at 6 mana, goes smoothly at 15, but can never have enough. This helps a lot.
Monk Idealist: Enchantment recursion.
Nature's Lore: Ramp for effectivly .
Nighthowler: Just a beater. You can use Bestow from the graveyard with Karador since it is a creature when you try to cast it.
Nyx Weaver: Blocks a flyer while milling for value. Recurs a card in a pinch.
Oblivion Ring: Exiles forever with a sac outlet. Can flicker permanents for repeated ETBs. Used for combo wins.
Pattern of Rebirth: Tutors directly onto the battlefield. Great for finding missing combo pieces.
Perilous Forays: Best ramp card in the deck. Mana efficient after 5 fetches.
Pharika, God of Affliction: Pinpoint graveyard hate. If you have to exile your own stuff the game is lost almost certainly.
Rancor: Cheapest Constellation enabler. Trample can net you a surprise kill. Simply hilarious with Auratog.
Restoration Specialist: Enchantment recursion that makes Karador cheaper. Only way to recur Altar of Dementia if it gets into the graveyard.
Reveillark: 2 for 1 recursion. Has 23 potential targets. Karador can Evoke too. No Karmic Guide because I don't want to.
Satyr Wayfinder: Cheap self mill. Net a land as a bonus.
Sterling Grove: tutor an enchantment. Shroud isn't that usefull, as we can recur everything anyways.
Sun Titan: The deck has white so you gotta play him. If you got a problem he is probably the solution. Best creature in the deck.
Thoughtrender Lamia: 3 for 1 with every Constellation trigger. Draws much hate towards you.
Toxic Deluge: The best board wipe.
Verduran Enchantress: #5 to have the whole package. Just having one in play is great. More than one is ridiculous.
Zendikar Resurgent: Double mana and card draw. If you untap with it you most likely win the game.