Red White Black variant of 8 rack. Has slightly less discard but trades for this in versatility. Things like pyroclasm and leyline in sideboard allow for better match up against aggro decks and main boarding ensnaring plus Lilly means decks like Bogles are less of an issue.
DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SEARCH UP SWAMP WITH FETCHES!!! Sometimes the life matters more than having 1 off red. In slower match ups red is fine to search out untapped most the time. T1 bloodstain + shock + thoughtseize hurts against aggro
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY REMEMBER YOU HAVE RAVEN'S CRIME!!! biggest misstep is to play a land when raven's crime is in your grave and you are top decking with 3ish lands already in play.
Numerous maybe board cards because while this deck feels strong at times I wish there was a 2 mana red black that would curve better like rakdos charm but had a discard ability + something. Deck sometimes feels like a monster with a strong curve like turn 2 with 2-3 discards already following into a blighting, lili or even lingering. With a bridge coming down turn 4-5 with rix land giving an additional Liliana effect makes the deck feel very strong being able to attack then empty hand with a land on field.
I really want to find space for collective brutality but a turn 2 Bitter Blossom feels better in longer game. Maybe 2 collective and only 2 lingering souls to fill the curve better??? Same issue with Kohlagan's command competing for 3 spot. Blighting takes over wrench mind in this deck for the discard 2 cards making K command less good for 8 rack plan. This seems to be match up based where if you play affinity K command is obviously insane and Blightning is worse. But in control if you can cast a Blightning + some early discard you can just beat and opponent out before they can cast any win cons. [Edited removed 2 lingering for 2 collective]
Consider changing sideboard from 4 leyline to 3 adding some blowout card like damnation or even a damping sphere for tron/storm. Timely feels really strong when cast pushing the timer back into your favor and giving you additional 1/1's to push damage with or sac to noble's getting under bridge.
Bridge seems too slow but not sure about this change often times feels like if you play against bigger decks it is good but burn feels bad.
Best part of deck is sideboard options which allows for much better match-ups where targeting opponent feels strong. However pyroclasm feels underwhelming most games could be substituted for a better sideboard card. Maybe anti storm card? [Edited removed pyroclasm for K command]
Discard land with bridge + lili is scary painful because 2 cards a turn discarded can hurt any deck that is trying to just stay up until they can go off.
KEY TO THIS DECK make sure you take the advantage of being able to attack with souls and BB faries on your turn with ensnaring bridge up you draw go to combat attack main phase two cast the spell and now your opponent can't attack but you can with 1/1 flyers that speeds up the clock very significantly. Lingering souls becomes a harder to block mutavault which is why is has a place in this deck. Also gives another good option to pitch instead of raven's crime when smallpoxing.
[Edit swapping out 1 blightning for 1 collective, Want to get a bit less 3 costed]\
[Edit switched Collective out for more smallpox for more common matchups, Also added Davriel for obvious reasons]
Ensnaring bridge feels like I card I want in the deck but feel it is also not needed with additional blockers. With trample this is negated but have not seen a strong trample metagame. Has the ability to transition with the meta however which may be needed with changed. Want to add Grave hate for new decks like Hogak and could do so with leyline void.
[I want to create a list of side boarding ins and outs for common decks IE abzan, jund, living end, bogs, lantern, UW control, Naya burn, 5C humans, tron, Hollow, fish, 8rack, affinity and others but don't feel like my choices are always the best for cards coming out]