We've done this man proud. But what we've failed to do is recognise the immense power of the Standard powerhouse
Sphinx's Revelation
. Seriously the modern playerbase has just failed in my eyes to truly abuse the power of the blue Tron deck. Despite
Sphinx's Revelation
being a slow card and demanding quite a cost for Tron decks, I think that they can pull it off. With all of the colour fixing in Modern it's just possible, and with "Tron Lands" you can quickly speed out massive
Sphinx's Revelation
s and the game shifts soooo heavily in your favour. Without further or due lets get into this mess of 60 cards.
First and by far the most important part of this deck is the fixing and acceleration. You wont be able to cast
Sphinx's Revelation
without these heroes.
Chromatic Sphere, Chromatic Star: They act as cantrips when they are cracked and drawing cards accelerates you towards Tron. These cards serve 2 purposes at once and that's why I love them in this deck.
Azorius Signet: Ramp and getting your colours. Overall very important to get it out.
Expedition Map: MUST HAVE in this list. You need any way to get your "Tron Lands" so why not get them directly.
Solemn Simulacrum: Gets lands and accelerates by chump blocking. Soooo good.
Next are the cards you've been waiting for. Almost the only deck in modern that can or will play these cards. The BOMB.COM cards. Big fat creatures and/or spells that just take over the game.
Oblivion Stone: Clears boards, buys you time.
Sphinx's Revelation
: Seriously :l This again. We all know what happens. If you're behind it gets you back into the game. If you're neck and neck or ahead it dominates games.
Sundering Titan: Randomly wins games, or is extremely hard to deal with.
Wurmcoil Engine: Giant lifelinker. Gets you back into the game and when it dies there's still 2 more creatures to go.
Now I'm not going to lie this is an infinite combo deck. It's not centred around it, though it is an alternate win con.
Academy Ruins + Mindslaver
+ 12 mana 1 of which has to be blue. (Academy Ruins doesn't count towards the total man you have available)
What you need to do to assemble this infinite loop is to pay 6 to cast Mindslaver then pay 4 to take control of your opponent for their turn. Then after you untap, on your upkeep activate Academy Ruins paying 1U and tapping Academy Ruins to put Mindslaver on top of your library then proceed to your draw step and draw Mindslaver then use the 10 mana left and do it again. With this combo you can just lock your opponent out of the game by tapping them out every turn and sabotaging their board.
Another combo or just lock is just holding a Spell Burst with plenty of mana waiting to counter a spell and use Spell Burst's buyback to get it back in your hand instead of going to the graveyard, so you can give your opponent a very hard time trying to resolve a spell.
Don't forget
. Then when your done just chill in
Urza's Hot Tub