

Instant (2)

It's another weekend under the sunny skies of Theros, and you've been invited to a party by a rather aggressive-looking satyr. Better not disappoint him. Satyrs aren't known for forgiving those who reject their offers. (There's also a rather gruesome threat written on the back of the invitation...)

Upon arrival you wade through the crowd to see a massive figure in the distance, wielding an enormous staff and bowl full of the most potent punch you could imagine. This is gonna be a good night...


The overall goal of this deck is to quickly swarm the opponent with hard-hitting flyers that are fueled by high devotion creature base + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.


Ash Zealot:

  • Effective early game threat due to first strike and haste. Provides two devotion and a way to keep other weenies in check.

  • Ladies are always welcome to the party.

Burning-Tree Emissary:

  • Another two devotion weenie designed to help ramp the deck into its big hitters. This card chains into itself if you're holding more than one in your hand. It also provides the mana to tap Nykthos, allowing for plays like the following:

  • Turn 1: Tapped Land

  • Turn 2: Land, Ash Zealot
  • Turn 3: Play Nykthos, play Burning-Tree Emissary, Tap into Nykthos for 4 Red, play Flame-Wreathed Phoenix

  • This card's ability to enable lots of creatures to be played in one turn also synergizes well with Xenagos, the Reveler's +1 ability.

Frostburn Weird :

  • The last of our weenies that provide two devotion. He acts as a flexible body that can be used to freely block anything with less than 4 power, or to swing for 4 against a vulnerable opponent. Works well against Aggro and control, but is also handy against Pack Rat.

Boros Reckoner:

  • Massive devotion on a solid 3/3 body, with a wicked ability that makes fatties tremble with fear. This guy has it all. Just don't make him angry.

  • As a defender, he stops weenies dead in their tracks. He can kill 2 weenies in one turn, all without dying. As an attacker, he can fearlessly swing into huge creatures, forcing the opponent to make a tough choice. His optional first strike ability also gives him the upper hand against other 3/3's.

  • His only downside is that he's a stiff. If you can get him to drink, though, he's a real animal. I once saw this guy headbutt a keg open with his horns.

Flame-Wreathed Phoenix :

  • A BotG newcomer, this creature is either a respectable 5/5 flyer for four, or a hasty 3/3 flyer that keeps coming back. When tributed, it performs much like a red version of Desecration demon, sans the "sacrifice a creature" clause. Otherwise, it's a major upgrade over Chandra's Phoenix , as we don't have to rig our deck around getting it back from the graveyard.

  • Holds liquor like a champ. Definitely party material.

Stormbreath Dragon:

Xenagos, God of Revels:

  • The Mac daddy of this deck, Xenagos's newfound godhood provides us with an incredibly powerful indestructible body and a versatile combat ability that essentially doubles the power and toughness of our best creature. When he hits the field, it's party time!

  • The 7 devotion requirement is easy for this deck to reach, as ANY combination of three other permanents is enough to activate him. If Boros Reckoner is on the field, then we only need ONE other permanent to have an active indestructible 6/5 on the field.

Domri Rade:

  • His +1 lets us draw creatures like we're playing an Aggro deck, and his -2 lets us force unfair fights on our opponent. They have a 12/12 hydra? Make it fight Boros Reckoner and burn them for 12 to the face. We typically won't see his ultimate, but if we do, it's pretty much game over. Just to top it off, he's cheap to play, and provides 2 devotion to G/R.

  • Who doesn't love Domri? Rough around the edges, but this guy sure knows how to party. Chicks dig the haircut.

Mizzium Mortars:

Hammer of Purphoros:

  • Prevents mana flooding from becoming a huge problem. Also makes for an effective mana sink when you've got 3 mana left over after pulling in a lot of mana with Nykthos or Xenagos. Pairs well with Xenagos, the Reveler's +1 and +0.

  • Let's get hammered!


Anger of the Gods:

  • Side this in when they are going all-out on the weenies with decks like Rakdos Aggro or White Weenie. Play around your own spell by letting them extend several creatures into one wipe, then start your counterattack.

Clan Defiance:

  • Side this in when they aren't playing much removal. Dropping this spell late game can be backbreaking. Nothing says party like killing two of their dudes, burning half their life off, them swinging with everything for the big finish.

Deadly Recluse:

  • Desecration Demon got you feeling down? Play Burning-Tree Emissary into Deadly Recluse on turn 2, then use Domri's -2 to make the spider and the demon fight as right after they lay the card down.

  • Effective Threat against decks with bigger creatures than ours. Also makes for a great party gag.

Fade into Antiquity :

Plummet :

Thunderous Might :

  • Another card to be played when they are light in the removal department. I'm still unsure of if I want this or Madcap Skills here. This spell has high damage potential, but Madcap makes it easy to push damage through, and is always at a +3 damage bonus.

Xenagos, the Reveler:

Thanks for looking at my deck! Up vote if you'd party with Xenagos (or if you just like the deck)!!!

Leave comments below to help me tweak the deck into a perfect concoction.


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Participated in a 53-person tournament at Enchanted Realms this past Sunday!

My overall record was 4-2, placing in me 11th. I narrowly missed the top 8 cut, but I learned a lot and I had a great time playing.

Round 1: R/W Devotion (0-2)

  • Perhaps the most disappointing round of the day, my opponent played a deck similar to my own, but drew good cards while I was left with underwhelming hands.

  • Game 1, he got a nutty draw and played a perfect curve of Ash Zealot, Hammer of Purphoros, Purphoros, God of the Forge, and Chandra, Pyromaster. He drew perfect lands and a well-timed Chained to the Rocks ensured the game was over before I could do much of anything.

  • Game 2, I mulled to 6 due to having a six-land hand, then mulled to 5 because of a one-land hand. I should have mulled to 4, but kept another one-land hand. He drew another agressive, fast-paced hand, and I got mana screwed. I've piloted several R/W devotion decks before, so there weren't any surprises here; just a good old case bad luck.

Round 2: Mono-Black Devotion (2-1)

  • Game 1 was dominated by my deck. My early Ash Zealot combined with his two Thoughtseizes was enough to leave him in easy killing distance one I had Stormbreath Dragon stick to the board. He had trouble getting any threats on the board, which left me in prime position to rush him down.

  • Game 2 was close. I sided in Plummet and Ghor-Clan Rampager, but a pair of successive Gray Merchant of Asphodels clenched him the game. He was down to 10 life, so I swung in at him, knowing that he could not stop me from swinging a lethal blow on the following turn. My opponent recognized this and responded by tapping in Underworld Connections. This allowed him to draw his second Grey Merchant and hit me for 8 damage, my exact life total.

  • Game 3 started slow, but ended with a bang. After trading some creature removal, he had 13 life left with two Desecration Demon and one Gray Merchant of Asphodel on the field. On my final turn I had Xenagos, God of Revels, Xenagos, the Reveler, Burning-Tree Emissary, and one 2/2 Satyr token on the field. I had Domri Rade and Frostburn Weird in my hand, with a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx on the field to pump my mana up. I started the turn by playing the Weird, then tapping into Nykthos for a bunch of devotion. I used Xenagos, the Reveler's +1 to add back the necessary Green mana to play Domri. From here i used Domri's -2 to make Xenagod fight with his Grey Merchant. Before combat, I pumped the Weird to a 4/1, followed by targeting him with Xenagod's +X/+X & haste ability. I tapped down the Demons, then swung in for the kill.

Round 3: Bant Control (2-1)

Round 4: Mono-Black Aggro (2-0)

Round 5: Orzhov Control (0-2)

  • This variation of Orzhov Control used 3 Obzedat, Ghost Council and 1 or 2 Elspeth, The Sun's Champion in addition to the staples of this archetype. My opening hand was fantastic, but my table was called for the "Deck Check" by tournament officials. After our decks were returned, I drew a mediocre hand that was light on creatures. I decided to keep this hand because it had Mizzium Mortars and Stormbreath Dragon in it, which gave me two solid answers to his inevitable Blood Baron of Vizkopa. The game was fierce, but eventually he played an unanswered Elspeth. By the time I got another threat out, my opponent had her up to 7 Loyalty, then used her ultimate followed by yet another Blood Baron. His beefy tokens overwhelmed me and let him take game 1.

  • Game 2 was really frustrating. I boarded in all my Fated Conflagration and Ghor-Clan Rampager to give myself more answers to his creatures. He played Obzedat, Ghost Council on turn 5, which I promptly killed with Fated Conflagration. Though my life total had dwindled to 9, I thought my victory was assured with a remaining hand of 2 Stormbreath Dragon, Domri Rade. Boros Reckoner, and Mizzium Mortars. My opponent immediately played ANOTHER Obzedat, which left me with no way to finish my opponent before I could play enough creatures to race the damage from his Obzedat. Without that second guy, he would have been dead in the water, but what can you do?

Round 6: Selesnya Aggro (2-1)

  • Game 1 was very successful. He got me down to 7 with his horde of creatures, but a well placed 3-for-1 Mizzium Mortars left a huge gap for my 2 Flame-Wreathed Phoenixs to punch through.

  • Game 2 was going my way until a critical mistake. I placed 5 First Strike damage on one of his two Loxodon Smiters by using Ash Zealot and Boros Reckoner, but he used Selesnya Charm to pump up his guy and kill my creatures. For some reason, I believed that the 5 damage counters I inflicted on his Smiter would fade after the +2/+2 bonus from his Charm. As a result, I misplayed my Reckoner's damage dealing trigger, aiming the damage at my opponent instead of his creature. As a result, he kept his 8 damage field while mine was wiped out. I learned my lesson, but had no way to stop his critters from finishing me off.

  • Game 3 was really close, and was my overall favorite game of the tournament. I played two overloaded Mizzium Mortars to keep his creatures in check before I pushed damage through with Xenagos, God of Revelry. His Selesnya Charm ousted my turn 3 Flame-Wreathed Phoenix, which gave him the advantage early on. In the end, his Mizzium Mortars couldn't be played because my Boros Reckoner would have directed the 4 damage to finish him. I was left with 5 life at this point, and his Boros Charm was just out of reach.

I had a great time playing at the tournament. I was really hoping to break into the top 8, but a bit of bad luck kept me out. There's a Super IQ coming up in about 6 weeks. I look forward to trying this deck at another big tournament!


Revision 4 See all

(10 years ago)

-2 Deadly Recluse side
+1 Fated Conflagration side
+4 Mistcutter Hydra side
-1 Plummet side
+2 Skullcrack maybe
-2 Fanatic of Mogis side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #13 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 7 Rares

4 - 4 Uncommons

5 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.11
Tokens Emblem Domri Rade, Satyr 2/2 GR
Folders nice red, decks, Decks to try, Good Decks, Need to playtest, inventory, decks i like, stdr, devotion, Standard
Ignored suggestions
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